protein powder while preggo?

20carrots Posts: 279 Member
My apologies if this has already been discussed--but what are your thoughts?

I'm really struggling to get above 40 grams of protein a day btwn being a semi laco-ovo vegetarian and having terrible food aversions. I was going to make a smoothie or similar with some of DH's protein powder but it actually says not to consume while pregnant.

I've been eating Special K protein bars here and there but I don't know if that's a great solution or not either.

Any feedback or EASY ways to get protein (eggs-ew, cottage cheese-eh some days) would be appreciated!

--20 carrots, 27 weeks pregnant w/#1--


  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    I've been using some protein powder in smoothies, but it never had a warning on the label, maybe get a different protein powder?

    Some things I like are:
    - greek yogurt (I love buying it plain and adding some maple syrup or coffee flavor or vanilla.. and fruit) yum.
    - lean meat (esp. chicken breast is very high in protein)
    - cottage cheese
    - tofu (can add to a smoothie if you use the soft one, or pan fry for a bit on each side until a bit crispy and season to taste.. tastes like chips, you can use pam spray to make it low calorie)
    - eggs (I eat 2 a day, it's my pregnancy craving) :)
    - cold cuts (you can get fresh ones with no preservatives, esp. chicken, turkey or roast beef are nice)

    I hope that helps :)
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I would look for a PP that isn't full of creatine and stuff like that. Youmight want to ask your doctor too. I'd also try to get your protein from real food if possible. I hardly eat any meat and I get close to 100 grams a day but that is with eggs, nuts and dairy. Food aversions make it tough...I'm just getting over that part now at 12.5 weeks.

    Here is one that I found at the food co-op I go to....full of good stuff and not bad (I have the chocolate):
  • 20carrots
    20carrots Posts: 279 Member
    Thanks guys!
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    I also eat lots of eggs... Would eat greek yoghurt but can't get ıt here, so ı eat normal yoghurt ınstead. Don't forget tuna and lean meats
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    I personally wouldn't do a protien powder while pregnant, but I never used them before. I always get between 75-100 grams per day and also do not eat very much meat. I always make sure to use flours that have a lot of protien, like garbonzo and almond flour. I also make sure my snacks are protien dense, too. Some of my go to's are cottage cheese, cheese sticks, greek yogurt, nuts, eggs, peanut butter.

    You can actually make a protien shake at home using cottage cheese, peanut butter and milk. Delicious!

    Feel free to check out my diary. There may be some other ideas in there for you.
  • Jessibear86
    Jessibear86 Posts: 111 Member
    I take a whey/protein powder mixed with bananas and PB2 every morning during the week. You have to be careful though, because a lot of protein powders contain artificial sweeteners. I used them just about every day for 2 years or so before getting pregnant and it's more or less a normal part of my diet. My dr said it was OK, however your DR might say something else. I would say if it's on the label not to use it and you really want to continue with one, find one that doesn't have that on the label, or do some research. I know the ON Whey powder has stevia which is as safe as you can get with sweeteners, but you don't use whey right?
  • sseratt
    sseratt Posts: 20 Member
    My dr said they were ok as long as they were not my main source of protein. You want to try to get your protein with real food. I use the sunwarrior protein powder that is plant based. I can get about 60 grams in but sometimes I need 80-100 and I have to add the powder in a smoothie.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    Another couple of things I use to boost protien are flax meal, chia seeds, hemp seeds and nutritional yeast. I sprinkle the nutritional yeast on popcorn and meals as it has a nutty, cheesy flavor. The other stuff is great in oatmeal or in a homemade protien smoothie.
  • tallulahalice
    tallulahalice Posts: 19 Member
    I love my protein powder fruit smoothies - last time my nutritionist said to ignore the warnings as it was basically just glorified milk powder. However most health food shops do sell protein powders that don't have artificial sweeteners or additives. My advice would be to either buy a very plain powder (e.g. pure whey varieties) or go the health food option. Also talk to the health food store people about chia seeds, LSA and other natural substitutes.

    Every now and then I also have a craving for a protein bar, but I try to keep these to a minimum :)

    I notice I've totally gone off meat, so my protein intake has dropped quite considerably but I'm not too worried, just eating to what my body seems to crave (mostly healthy apart from an unfortunate home baking thing!)
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    I was having the same problem so I have started drinking my protein smoothies again in the mornings like I did before I was pregnant. I would like to find one with no artificial sweeteners as this one has a small amount but it was what I had at the time and was getting a very low amount of protein a day due to morning sickness.