Sodium? Na!!

endresultsfitness Posts: 8 Member
edited September 2015 in Social Groups
The average person is allowed to take in a maximum of 2,300mg of sodium on a daily basis. If one has a family history of heart disease, has high blood pressure, is of African descent, or is older than age 50, one is allowed a maximum of 1,500mg of sodium per day. What is unfortunate is that the average American consumes over 3,500 mg per day! High sodium levels are associated with higher risk of heart disease, kidney disease, and developing high blood pressure. All terrible things that can be avoided! That doesnt necessarily mean avoiding the salt shaker, but it does call to limit processed, frozen, and canned foods. Most fast food resaturants have meals far exceeding 1,000mg, thats about half the recommended limit in one meal! Be conscious of the sodium intake in your meals, and keep improving and pushing forward in your Health & Wellness journey! Best of luck!

End Results Crew