Check in 9/12- blaming the ones 5 and older

Eles697 Posts: 113 Member
Moms of grown ups, how's your progress?

Starting weight/goal weight/current weight loss:
Highs/lows of the week?
Planned changes to your regimen?
GTKY: Do you miss the days when your baby used to only drink milk? Or do you like the task of making meals?


  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Well, I have one in this category too! My eldest is 6. I've answered the questions in the 4 year old bit, except the milk one.

    I much prefer it when they eat what we do. My youngest is 16 months so now she has the same as everyone else. I don't mind when they just have milk, it's the in between stage when you have to make stuff and purée it that I don't like! My kids have the same meals as my husband and I, I don't waste time making separate meals.