Looking for MFP friends with PCOS

jessp2011 Posts: 40 Member
I was diagnosed 10 years ago with PCOS and managed to lose 20 lbs at that time. However, with the stress of college, life, and then beginning a career, I managed to gain all of it back plus quite a bit more. Since having my first child last year, I have made a decision that it is important now more so than ever for me to make lifestyle changes -- I am not going to consider this a "diet," but a true lifestyle change. It isn't even just about the number on the scale for me, but I want to feel better overall. I feel that I really could use a support system on here, so please add me if interested.


  • chelsmaeb
    chelsmaeb Posts: 4 Member
    I was diagnosed 2 years ago. After having my daughter I was 190 and I'm only 5'2". I have managed to lose 50 of it but got back up to 174 when I started working. Finally back at 157 and its been a 4 year battle.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I never lost weight after delivering my daughter almost 15 years ago, despite breastfeeding for almost 18 months. The hormones from the pregnancy and delivery ramped up my PCOS to crazy levels. At my heaviest, I was 319. I'm 5'4" tall, and 39 years old now. I'm back down to 245 or so. I'm headed well into OnederLand... I'm following a low carb, high fat, moderate protein protocol at the recommendation of my Endocrinologist, primarily due to my Insulin Resistance, which in all likelihood caused my PCOS in the first place... Feel free to add me.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Feel free to send me a friend request. I struggle a lot with yoyoing. :/
  • lbebko
    lbebko Posts: 1 Member
    I was diagnosed about 10 years and it's been a pretty steady weight gain since then and I'm having a lot of trouble getting it off. It's really tough to find ways to change your habits as drastically as you need to with PCOS and still maintain a life outside of it. Anyone on here feel free to add me. I'd love to talk to some other people who understand the struggles. Good luck, everybody!
  • thin1dayplease
    thin1dayplease Posts: 291 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • ErinCoury
    ErinCoury Posts: 32 Member
    add me as well. I struggle and I really need to get a handle on the carbs!
  • MarisaJaynes
    MarisaJaynes Posts: 9 Member
    I was diagnosed when I was 18 and didn't think much of it. At that time I never had trouble losing weight or felt anything. However, just turning 30 and trying to get pregnant the reality is settling in. I am the heaviest I've ever been and I can't lose the weight! Would love to have some "friends" with the same problems :)
  • DivaSkinnyJeans
    DivaSkinnyJeans Posts: 9 Member
    Our stories are pretty similar. I was diagnosed almost 10 years ago as well ( can't believe it's been that long). I then got pregnant with my daughter and my weight ballooned from there. It was always high, but man, never this high. I need folks that can relate. Look for a request from me!
  • brokethechain16
    brokethechain16 Posts: 6 Member
    I developed PCOS about 21 years ago but wasn't diagnosed for another 8 years and at least 50 added pounds. I know the struggle. Feel free to add me, I need to build up my support group too!
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    Hi and welcome! Anyone can feel free to add me. I've had PCOS my whole life but due to a nonchalant doctor, didn't do anything about it until recently. I don't log calories anymore, but I do check in on my friends and provide support. On top of the PCOS, I also had thyroid cancer so my posts tend to be a mix of PCOS and cancer stuff (I'm fine now! You'll find I'm drama free.)
  • chardh
    chardh Posts: 47 Member
    Your welcome to add me as well I have had PCOS for the past 5 years likely longer undiagnosed and I am now in my thirties and trying to lose the weight to eventually get pregnant in the next few years. I don't always log food I struggle with making that a priority but I log n daily, support and exercise.
  • lose100ali
    lose100ali Posts: 3 Member
    I also have PCOS and would like to find friends using MFP. I was diagnosed 20+ years ago. I have had to deal with a lot of the typical PCOS issues. For example, facial hair, hyper pigmentation, extra weight, & infertility. I trying to lose weight to be healthy. My goal is to lose 104 lbs. Please add me as a friend if you would like.
  • Luckldy31
    Luckldy31 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm looking for friends too! I was diagnosed when I was 17 after I had to have my left ovary taken out because it was swallowed by a large cyst (clearly I'm being medically accurate :smile: ) now I'm 25 and getting married next fall... Trying to lose some weight for the wedding- but also would like to be as fit and healthy as possible before we start trying for a family. I've been on a 1200 cal, grain-free diet since February, and haven't lost any weight, so it's frustrating and hard to stay on-track- also had ankle surgery in May so my physical activity has been non-existent... Just got the ok to start going to the gym again though! But yeah- feel free to add me!
  • NickiG316
    NickiG316 Posts: 2 Member
    Everyone feel free to add me :smile: I'm 26 and I was diagnosed with PCOS a few months ago (although it likely developed years ago). I started at 226 on June 1 and am down to 191 now thanks to restricting my carb intake and exercising regularly. I'm hoping to get down to about 140 lbs by May.
  • MarisaJaynes
    MarisaJaynes Posts: 9 Member
    Luckldy31 wrote: »
    I'm looking for friends too! I was diagnosed when I was 17 after I had to have my left ovary taken out because it was swallowed by a large cyst (clearly I'm being medically accurate :smile: ) now I'm 25 and getting married next fall... Trying to lose some weight for the wedding- but also would like to be as fit and healthy as possible before we start trying for a family. I've been on a 1200 cal, grain-free diet since February, and haven't lost any weight, so it's frustrating and hard to stay on-track- also had ankle surgery in May so my physical activity has been non-existent... Just got the ok to start going to the gym again though! But yeah- feel free to add me!

    I went grain free (& dairy free for a while) and not only felt deprived but GAINED weight, almost 10 lbs :( I recently started counting Macros instead of restricting and my periods have become regular and I am already down the 10 I put on. Just a tip if you're looking to better your health and lose. :)
  • Emma33021
    Emma33021 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi everyone, feel free to add me too.
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    Feel free to add me. I was diagnosed a couple years ago officially but I'd suspected I had PCOS for at least the past 10 years. I'm a thin PCOS'er. I do yo-yo a bit and I'm usually at the higher end of the healthy BMI range.

    I didn't officially get diagnosed until I was undergoing testing for recurrent miscarriages. I'd suspected PCOS long ago when I used to deal with severe acne and I had more body hair than my then boyfriend (now DH) and my period was always MIA. My blood work came back showing signs of PCOS and my ovaries were enlarged and full of cysts.

    I'm not insulin resistant that I know of. If anything I deal more with hypoglycemia.

  • soechsner09
    soechsner09 Posts: 119 Member
    Hello ladies! I'm Stephanie, and have PCOS too. Though I'm not looking at conceiving at the moment, I am desperately trying to get my symptoms under control. PMDD, insulin resistance, extra hair, extra weight (especially in my tummy) ... Please feel free to add me. The more support the better, I find :)
  • toadoftoadhall
    toadoftoadhall Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, I'm looking for friends too. I have PCOS (diagnosed 2000), my main problems are acne and irregular periods. I'm kick starting my new diet and exercise regime now as I want to get my symptoms under control and am looking to start TTC next year. Please feel free to add me. Pip x
  • stefne888
    stefne888 Posts: 113 Member
    Feel free to add me. PCOS and low carb here.
  • sms7412
    sms7412 Posts: 3 Member
    I am also looking for friends for the extra support! I was officially diagnosed with PCOS 5 years ago, but have been experiencing symptoms for longer than that. I've struggled with weight for a while now and for the last two years I have steadily gained no matter what I do diet and exercise-wise. I recently started a medically managed low carb, low calorie diet and have finally lost weight for the first time in two years! Feel free to add me as I think that having support from others is a vital part of maintaining our sanity!
  • Wannabe150lbs
    Wannabe150lbs Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new and wouldn't mind having some MFP buddies too. Would be great to swap recipes because if ANYONE knows the struggle of losing weight, its a CYSTER. I started taking Met after being a guinea pig for more natural ways (Saw Palmetto, Maca, Vitex, Chromium and a few others I can't remember right now) and finally found a combination that I feel is working for me. I never had cysts nor hair loss but I have every other PCOS symptom there is, especially hyperandrogenism. I am currently trying out organic raw flaxseed & spearmint tea in my diet to see if it can tame my wild testosterone and I'll see where I'm at in 3-4 months. Glad to be in this group and hope to be haunting here more often. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • LernRach
    LernRach Posts: 286 Member
    I have PCOS too and struggle to lose weight.. I had issues getting pregnant with first child but second just happened really quickly (after having lost 10% of body weight)
    I am also married to someone who is a research scientist on.... infertility in women with PCOS!!!!!!! lucky me :wink:

    feel free to add me x
  • AlyssaDarby13
    AlyssaDarby13 Posts: 158 Member
    I tried to go through and add everybody in this post, but my computer is acting up, so I may have missed a few. If I missed you, or if you're new: Feel free to add me.

    I was diagnosed at age 21 when I had a laparoscopy to check for endometriosis. No endo found, but severely cystic ovaries. My hormone levels all seem fine, but I have many of the other hallmark symptoms: facial (and other places) hair, acne, severely irregular periods, fertility issues and miscarriage, depression, etc. I don't seem to have insulin resistance, though.
  • arubamfp
    arubamfp Posts: 7 Member
    edited December 2015
    I am also new to the group and looking for PCOS support.
    Please feel free to add me!
  • looneypumpkin
    looneypumpkin Posts: 12 Member
    Feel free to add me too. I was diagnosed 11 yrs ago and had my son in 2014. Trying to lose weight to try for #2. (Baby weight is gone)
  • umrebelbelle
    umrebelbelle Posts: 19 Member
    I would like more friends with PCOS. I found out almost 2 years ago. Last year I was finally able to get some weight off and then the stress of losing my grandmother, holidays and losing my job(which I knew about for 9 months) I put it all on and then some. While I am not working I am putting more back into eating better and working out again. I felt so much better when I was doing those not just for the weight I lost, though of course that helped.
  • andread123
    andread123 Posts: 28 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I was just diagnosed with PCOS about a year and a half ago.
  • tiffanysotoxo
    tiffanysotoxo Posts: 36 Member
    I was recently diagnosed with PCOS in November, feel free to add me I'd love to have some friends who can relate.
  • whatnadineloves
    whatnadineloves Posts: 8 Member

    I was diagnosed with PCOS by my GP in 2012, but they couldn't find any cysts then. They did a pretty bad job at the hospital, so I am not surprised. Luckily in 2015 my gynaecologist could see lots of cysts on a transvaginal ultrasound and I also had lots of issues with ruptured cysts and in December I had a small tumour removed in my uterus. I gained weight ever since I started having my period, in 2014 I managed to lose 22lbs down to 160lbs but gained 52lbs over the last 20 months. I am now trying to lose as much weight as I can, the first goal being the 160lbs again. I would love to connect to other MFPs with PCOS.