Welcome to That Extra Little Push!

Gewelzz Posts: 5 Member
Hi there, thanks for joining! I can't wait for this group to get bigger and better. I can't do everything around here so start your own discussions if you want to talk about something that wasn't already a topic! I don't know about everyone out there but I'm comfortable talking about just about anything so go ahead!

Thanks for joining!


  • stacyt83
    stacyt83 Posts: 14 Member
    I really need encouragement to fight my cravings for pizza. I've been eating really healthy (using My Fit Foods to prepare low sodium but tastey food) and losing weight. Every couple of days I sabotage myself by ordering pizza and I gain a few pounds back. I'm doing my best, but family members eat pizza right in front of me. I'm able to hold out a day or two and then I cave. Anyone else having trouble with kicking the junk food cravings?