
MissShelleyT Posts: 9 Member
Hi everyone. I'm a newbie to the group (though not to MFP) and would love to be able to add some horsey friends as that and working are my two main pastimes (along with the occasional nap!). After a challenging experience with a difficult and unsuitable pony (confidence now shattered!) I feel privileged to own a loving, gentle and willing 14.2 bay mare (Zena). I'm interested in natural horsemanship and am hoping to move into competing in in hand showing classes next season, which is something totally new to me.

Thanks for reading, feel free to add me if you'd like some support and I'll try to be active on the forums when I can :)


  • shadowkat57
    shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
    Hello and welcome! I hope Zena brings you all the fun and joy your last horse couldn't.
  • MissShelleyT
    MissShelleyT Posts: 9 Member
    Hi shadowkat, thanks for the welcome. I've already found a bond with Zena that was lacking with my previous pony - so things are looking more positive this time around :)
  • shadowkat57
    shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
    My boy is a rescue, and has moments of being quite a monster - but I have such a great bond with him now. Love the big trouble <3
  • MissShelleyT
    MissShelleyT Posts: 9 Member
    Awwwwww :)