How many miles will you go before you fuel midrun? Do you always carry water on shorter runs?



  • ejyennie
    ejyennie Posts: 16 Member
    In winter, I never carry water for runs under eight miles. In summer, I sneak around and hide water along the route every four miles. I can't do gels: so I dilute gatorade for runs over ten miles.
  • nicolejo143
    nicolejo143 Posts: 214 Member
    For long runs I carry a water belt that holds around 20 ounces. I run out of water around 9 miles usually and refill soon after. I usually never bring food or gels, but I ran 16 miles yesterday for the first time and I was starving after 10 miles, so I bought a powerbar with my emergency money and ate half of it. I also brought along some chewy gels and ate one of those every 4 miles. I ate a bagel and a banana before my run, but I still got really hungry. I will bring a little snack for my next long run.
  • rrcoffey
    rrcoffey Posts: 72 Member
    ephiemarie wrote: »
    Unless it's ridiculously hot, I don't carry water for runs shorter than 5 miles. If I'm running 5-10 miles, I'll carry a handheld water bottle, and for longer runs I wear a 2-bottle hydration belt (one bottle of water and one of diluted Gatorade...and I take a swig of one at each mile, alternating between the 2...I'm a little OCD about it actually). I run mostly in rural areas where water would otherwise be inaccessible, and I sweat like crazy.

    I don't pay much attention to what I eat before a run unless it's a race day, in which case I'll have coffee, a banana, and a PBJ about 60-90 minutes beforehand. I generally take fuel (Huma Chia gels are my current fave) around mile #7.

    Also, I always have a cinnamon hard candy or sugar free bubble gum in my mouth when I run.

    I think I might be high maintenance. :#

    I think I just found my soul sister - LOL!