Anyone need more mfp friends??



  • crystald86_
    crystald86_ Posts: 13 Member
    Feel free to add me, always looking for other moms to keep each other motivated!
  • laurenkx
    laurenkx Posts: 11 Member
    If anyone would like to add me?! I've got 36lbs to loose desperately & need all the motivation I can get xxxx
  • runforfun7
    runforfun7 Posts: 8 Member
    I do. Please add me!!!!!
  • Mrs_Vad3r
    Mrs_Vad3r Posts: 28 Member
    Hi I need more friends too!
  • annacabie
    annacabie Posts: 5 Member
    Add me too please
  • ChickenDrinks39
    ChickenDrinks39 Posts: 8 Member
    Anyone who would like to please add me too.
  • Alysie746
    Alysie746 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm actively trying to loose weight through daily exercise and clean-ish eating. I'm a mom of 2, a 3yr old girl and a 17 month old boy so I'm continuing to find the elusive balance in my life. In the past I lost 40lbs after my son was born and then through some stressful life events gained back 20. So now I'm starting again. I'm always looking for new friends to keep me motivated so please feel free to add me :)
  • vabniullga
    vabniullga Posts: 63 Member
    I would love to be MFP friends!! You can never have too many!
  • mimkalova
    mimkalova Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2016
    Please add me ladies! Had my second kid in July. Have not been able to loose any weight since. Looking to loose 35-40lbs starting now :) Need all the motivation and support I can get!
  • mhinclan
    mhinclan Posts: 3 Member
    Mom of two, ages 5 years and 21 months (and still nursing.) I've got 100 lbs I would like to lose and could always use more support. Feel free to add me!
  • Miffyfax
    Miffyfax Posts: 8 Member
    Similar story to many other moms here! Feel free to add me. :smiley:
  • missfrichi
    missfrichi Posts: 18 Member
    Had second baby in June. Not had much luck losing weight since. Looking to lose 35-40lbs as well. Please add me as well. :)
  • dgoods82
    dgoods82 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi. I'm new to this group. I have 2 LO's and am needing to lose this baby weight! I love baby wearing when I can and getting my steps in. Just ready to start hitting the gym and an old injury acts up, dislocating my knee. Set back but staying active. Extra accountability and MFP support would be great for me too!
  • AlisonC2017
    AlisonC2017 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm new to this group as well! I have 2 kids and really need to get myself in shape so I can hopefully keep up with them this summer :)
    In total I'd like to lose 50lbs but honestly I'm really happy with just a major lifestyle change where I feel healthier - I'm new too mfp as well so I'd really like more friends who can help with the motivation and accountability!
  • Blzamora
    Blzamora Posts: 8 Member

    Please add me just joined about a week ago and would love to have support and be able to support others.
  • watsonmisty66
    watsonmisty66 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in same boat as most of you. I lost a little over 40 lbs last year but have gained back 10 of it in last 3 months. Need to jump back in here with you all and get motivated again. I know it feels so much better when I eat healthy and exercise just need to get motivated and stay motivated again!!!! Feel free to add me :)
  • dgoods82
    dgoods82 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi. Adding you :).
  • fitmumnz
    fitmumnz Posts: 8 Member
  • DeetLaReet
    DeetLaReet Posts: 4 Member
    I'd love to add everyone and to have everyone add me. I gave about 20 to lose still
  • Daughter0faKing
    Daughter0faKing Posts: 17 Member
    Hello ladies!!! Feel free to add me as well! :D