Nursing and weight loss questions

hi! I'm a mom of an almost 3yr old boy and 8 month baby girl. I'm still nursing my daughter and have lost almost 40 lbs already by diet and exercise...& nursing. The question is will my weight loss become tougher when I wean her at 1yr old? I have this fear I will gain all the weight back when I stop nursing??? I'm still almost 20 lbs away from my goal....


  • ashleyfreeman17
    ashleyfreeman17 Posts: 34 Member
    If you keep exercising and eating healthy, whole foods with good portion sizes, there should be no reason to gain the weight back. Just stick with what you are doing and you should be good! :)
  • asl85
    asl85 Posts: 9 Member
    amazing that you have already lost 40! I think just keep doing what you're doing since it's been working so far. I have heard both that it's harder and easier to lose the weight once you stop nursing. Who knows what I will experience when I wean-- planning to start in the next two months. I have the same worry but I'm trying to tell myself that either way I'm not going to be nursing forever so I'll have to figure it out regardless.