What do you do between sets?



  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i discovered one thing i do, yesterday. after a set of pendlay rows, i always do set the bar down and kind of turn my back on it and take a brief circuit around the area that i'm working in. i'm just kind of re-setting my legs and my lower back, but i always loved how too-cool-for-school that move looked :D like, 'been there, done that - i'm so over that bar'.

    so it was fun to discover that i do it too. i'm so bro.
  • Angel_Grove_
    Angel_Grove_ Posts: 205 Member
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member

    If the mobile data reception in my gym wasn't so crappy, I would totally be doing this. I'm glad the SL app doesn't require data connection to work, because I would be outta luck.
  • kristinels
    kristinels Posts: 315 Member
    Well - I'm pretty new to lifting, but so far I've read my Kindle or browse FB too. Funny how fast 90 seconds is when you've got a good book... ;)

    I posted a vid of my squats in the form check thread to see if I can get some feedback. If someone is kind enough - I'll probably be thinking about improvements I need to make between next week's sets. And how to get videos of some of the other lifts so I can upload them.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    I usually check out other guys'.... form. ;)
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    Yesterday I spent too much time trying to upload a video of me doing squats so I could use a bar path app. Ended in frustration
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    When I worked out at a gym, I would chat with a couple of people who lifted at the same time as me. We were "gym friends." I would also update my app with reps/sets.

    Now that I workout at home: check on the dogs, switch the laundry, watch my neighborhood, just move around/dance in the garage.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    Yesterday I spent too much time trying to upload a video of me doing squats so I could use a bar path app. Ended in frustration

    Ooh, even with the warning about frustration, I'd love to know what the app is!
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    It's called Iron Path. I was trying to edit the video to just follow the actual lift, not the set up and re-racking. Couldn't do it. There are other bar path video apps, I may try another. I follow a couple of women lifters on Instagram and they both use an app like that. It's really great to see if one is wandering too much or keeping a tight up and down motion.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    I do some ab work and neck stretches.