Week 1 Plans Post Everyone!

Hey all you awesome trolls. It's time to post both our goals and plans for the first week. Then next sunday we can tell ourselves how we did. What you post is optional. Lets try and have a little fun with this and make it useful. Lets do this.
My Plan:
1. Perform 3 hours of low intensity cardio a day.
2. Eat 3 healthy meals a day; oatmeal in the morning, a large salad, lentil soup and fruit for lunch & dinner. At this point, it's all about keeping it functional.
3. As overweight as I am, at least start kneeling Push Ups this week. It's a small realistic thing I can start as of tomorrow.

1.Do not allow any junk into my day. School is starting tomorrow, if I break down once the first week, I could easily start having comfort-food for every stressful essay or assignment. Not even once.
2. Use My Fitness Pal every day to track diet & exercise and to keep myself honest to my fellow troll.
3. To have performed a total of 21 hours of cardio by next Sunday.
I'm looking forward to reading all your posts for the first week of accountability.
Lets do this.


  • Ysenia_OG
    Ysenia_OG Posts: 3 Member
    Week 1 - Diet Control

    My plan this week is to get my diet under control. No more candy binges, meals planned out in advance, etc. I went to the store yesterday and bought everything for this week's meals, and also cleared all the junk food out of the house.

    My goal this week is to stick to the meal plan and develop some willpower.
  • FatandSadPanda
    FatandSadPanda Posts: 4 Member
    I started my diet a month and a half ago and my progress has slowed down, despite limiting cheats and not going over my calories.

    So my plan is:
    1. Begin exercising.
    2. Drink more water.
    3. Be kind to myself.

    1. At least 15 minutes a day on the elliptical for now, to ease back into the routine.
    2. Drink at least 60oz of water each day.
    3. Instead of focusing on how much more I need to lose, I should be proud of how much I've done so far and realize if I dropped 8lb every 6 weeks, that'd be almost 70lbs in a single year. I didn't put on this weight overnight and it's not going to come off overnight (despite feeling like I pee out 5lbs, lol)
  • My work schedule changes next week because I just got a promotion at work (yay!), so I have to change my workout schedule a little bit and start waking up at 4 am on 4 days a week instead of 2 and at 5 am instead of 6 am on the others... so my goals and plan this week...



    1. Try not to panic at work because I have no idea what I am doing in my new position.
    2. Cycling: 2 hours
    3. Physical Therapy Exercises


    1. Get up early for new morning lifting routine
    2. Sacrifice Legs to the Barbell Gods in the morning and try not to die as I hobble around school all day with sore legs
    3. Physical Therapy Exercises

    1. See Monday #1
    2. Rest day from exercise

    1. Get up early for new morning lifting routine
    2. Sacrifice Upper Body to the Barbell Gods.
    3. Physical Therapy Appointment - Exercises at Appointment

    1. See Monday #1
    2. Cycling: 2 hours
    3. Physical Therapy Exercises

    1. See Monday #1
    2. Physical Therapy Exercises
    3. Fun Exercise Day - Try to do something active and fun with boyfriend outside of bedroom ;)

    1. Cycling: 2 hours
    2. Physical Therapy Exercises
    3. Climb Homework Mountain


    1. Don't wimp out and sleep in. I will be tired but I need to establish this new sleep/wake schedule and the only way to do that is to get my butt out of bed on time.
    2. Meal prep on Sunday. That chicken isn't going to cook itself and salmonella doesn't look good on me.
    3. Actually ice my knee or I am pretty sure my physical therapist is going to beat me up. lol.
  • LindyP2
    LindyP2 Posts: 7 Member
    Ooh! I'm not too late am I? My Sunday was packed. Goals:

    1) Keep hitting the gym 5xs a week ( 3xs a week strength, 2xs a week cardio). One successful week does not make a habit!
    2) More protein! My trainer wants me to hit 170 grams a day, and I'm lucky when I can shove in 80. My specific goal is over 125 day to work up to the 170.
    3) Find better recipes- less fat since that's the macro where I keep going over.