Other things you should read

DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
edited September 2015 in Social Groups
Yes, it's possible to make good decisions even when you go out to eat.

Protein is generally your friend. It helps with maintaining and building muscle and, for a lot of people, it helps with feeling fuller, longer.

Some of these threads are long. Don't feel like it's absolutely vital to read every post on every one of the bajillion pages. Most of the important bits are in the first posts. Don't feel like it's absolutely necessary to read these posts before you ask questions or whatever, but don't feel offended if someone gives you one of these links as a starting point, either.

A high level overview of what's involved in getting to where you want to be:

Another generally good description of a solid approach to losing that fat. Some of the listed items are negotiable around the edges, but it would be hard to go too far wrong by following these ideas.

One of the key bits in this process is knowing how much you're eating. Some people can do that without a scale. You don't have to use a scale. However, if you think how much you're eating should have you losing weight, but you're not, you might want to pay particular attention to this one.

There's some math involved with this one. If math isn't you gig, don't worry. You can still get a reasonable grounding in some of the definitions, abbreviations, and acronyms that you'll see.

Hand-in-hand with the previous post is this one about accurately logging your food. It won't do you a lot of good to weigh that chicken or ice cream if you use the right weight but the wrong database entry for that food.

You can't choose from where you lose fat. At most, you can blame your parents for your genetics, because genetics are the driver of where the fat goes on and where the fat comes off. Unfortunately for the way a lot of us would like to look, the stomach is often one of the last places to let go of the fat. Might be sad. Might be harsh. It's still true.

This one is crucial. What you think you're eating isn't what gets results. What you're actually eating does. "But I'm only eating X calories, why am I not losing?" Because you almost certainly aren't really eating just that number of calories. That doesn't mean anyone is saying you're stupid or can't use a scale or whatever. No one is being mean when they say you're probably eating more than you think. That's the most likely explanation when results don't match reasonable expectations.

There are no quick fixes. If there were, none of us would be here. This site wouldn't be here.

Chances are, your body has a liver and at least one kidney. They do a good job of removing toxins from your body. Tea, not so much. Lemon juice and cayenne, not so much. If you need toxins removed from your body, beyond what your body can already do, you need medical intervention, not a product from some scam peddler. Even a scam peddler with a Facebook page.

Detoxes. No bueno.