I always give up when I hit a plateau....

So, about 5 days ago I hit 206, the scale has not moved below it since and has actually gone up to 207.4 since Sunday. I'm sore and tired and frustrated. My family has been having crisis after crisis. Its been a month since my last soda or coffee and all I want to do is give in to a delicious coca cola, creamy tomato soup, and a greasy grilled cheese. My ultimate comfort food. Plateaus are when I always start to back track, but I'm going to stick to it this time. I will not give up. I had my breakfast, already logged my lunch, did my zumba workout. I need to keep motivated, I need to get making me recipe for dinner tonight and inputting it into MFP. Just needed to let it out.


  • Melonpaul
    Melonpaul Posts: 323 Member
    Stay positive, you got this!
  • shylady76
    shylady76 Posts: 134 Member
    You can do this. We are here to support you.
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    I can relate, your doing awesome. Get it off your chest! And relax, it takes time for your body to adjust.
  • kaysday
    kaysday Posts: 256 Member
    this used to happen to me as well until I started to increase my calories. I know that sounds weird but I used increased my calories by 100-200 a day and continued to exercise and the weight stared coming off again. Try it. It doesn't hurt. Or add a cheat meal for every 30 meals. Worked for me, may work for you. Good luck
  • sfinsc
    sfinsc Posts: 169 Member
    So, about 5 days ago I hit 206, the scale has not moved below it since and has actually gone up to 207.4 since Sunday. I'm sore and tired and frustrated. My family has been having crisis after crisis. Its been a month since my last soda or coffee and all I want to do is give in to a delicious coca cola, creamy tomato soup, and a greasy grilled cheese. My ultimate comfort food. Plateaus are when I always start to back track, but I'm going to stick to it this time. I will not give up. I had my breakfast, already logged my lunch, did my zumba workout. I need to keep motivated, I need to get making me recipe for dinner tonight and inputting it into MFP. Just needed to let it out.

    You're doing great by logging and not giving in! I hit a three-week plateau and it was really discouraging. I'd just started running, too, so I wanted to throw in the towel on that. But right at the three week mark, the scale began to move again. So keep at it! You never know--you may be building muscle, or retaining water, or a million other things. I tried to notice more NSVs, and that helped me a lot, too.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    I started losing weight June 2014, i lost a total of 93 pounds, then i hit a wall July of this year and put back on 10. I am still struggling to break through. I manage a break, then plateau, again a break, then plateau again. I feel like its a crazy cycle. I managed to lose 8 of the ten pounds jut to put it back on again since 2 weeks ago. This morning the scale finally started to move again and this time in the right direction. Losing up to 93 pounds i have to say was hard but plateauing has been harder. @kathryiethig its hard to image eating more to lose weight but this time i am going to try. I also read if we change the kinds of foods we are eating and change our exercise routine that it could help. Going to try and see what happens. Stay focused and try to remember all the hard work it took to get to where you are today.
  • got2befitnow
    got2befitnow Posts: 108 Member
    Hitting plateaus absolutely sucks, and most of us have gone through this. There was about a month where I was working my *kitten* off and keeping my macros in check and the scale was not budging. It made me crazy, but the scale eventually started to move again (albeit slowly, but I took it!). I know everyone says not to just focus on the number on the scale - and it's so true, but hard to do sometimes. One thing that will really help is to not weigh yourself every day. You really will get very frustrated because weight fluctuates so much from day-to-day.

    Good luck! You absolutely can do this, and we're all here when you need to vent!