SOS Shout out Sundays 6/23/13

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Hey troops! How are things going? What have you learned this week? Victories? Loses? Thoughts? Encouragements?



  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Sometimes, the best laid plans can still have some flaws. We had recital on Saturday, when the Backstage director was checking people in, we discovered that they had the wrong song for me on the program, I went to the studio director to make sure she had the right music on the cd, it was also last year's song, thankfully, she had the cd I had turned in so she could switch cd's for my routine. Nobody else checked since their music was listed correctly: one other girl had the wrong music played, and one duet told her what their song was but didn't give her a cd, well she used the version of the song she had and they ended up having to try to get through a section of the music they had removed from the music they used for their routine. It was an over all success, but sometimes, you just have to improvise!
  • lintino
    lintino Posts: 526 Member
    There's nothing like live performances!!!! I've performed in and directed many shows and learned to always be alert to anything that might go wrong. Even then things "happen". One time I had a student lock her knees during a performance and she passed out and landed on her face on the floor. No one could get to her fast enough.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Well, I collaborated with a neighbor a week ago but confirmed today...she wants to walk twice a week...I said I would try...but it is nice to influence and help others and keep yourself moving. She walks slower but you know that is is still sharing and getting out. I will let you know next Sunday how it goes!

    I think once again staying on MFP helps keep you focused! But at the same time balance and enjoy life...

    Ms Warrior Cupcake...Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Wooo Hooo!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,475 Member
    It was a pretty good week for me. Got a lot of walking in and all of my challenges done. Today I had to do an online driving school for a traffic ticket I got last month. I commute in the worst stop-and-go traffic ever, five days a week. I got off early one Friday and was flying home...nobody in front of me, nobody behind of me... but there was a cop to the side of me!! He clocked me doing 82 mph and I told him that "Nobody would believe I was able to do 82 miles an hour on Hiway 4." He didn't think that was funny...after he wrote the ticket, he asked me if I realized I was doing 82 mph. My reply was, "Officer, I commute five days a week and the fact that there was nobody in front of me...well, I was excited." He didn't think that was funny, either. So it doesn't show on my record, I went to online traffic school. It took a good part of the day, so I didn't get any walking in and only did one of my challenges. I'm good with that. Tomorrow is a new day!

    I hope everyone had a great weekend!
