Stomach problems

macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
For those of you who are also on a LCHF diet, what foods do you eat when you're having stomach problems (pain, nausea, and/or heartburn)? I'm on a med that causes all of the above at times. I've had trouble all week with my stomach hurting and am not sure what to eat. I know carbs settle my stomach but that's part of the reason I've gained 20 lbs since starting this med. :/


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Kombucha (fermented tea) or other probiotic/naturally fermented foods restore the good bacteria balance in your gut that can minimize a lot of this.

    If you are talking about a med like Metformin, while adding carbs adds temporary relief, dropping carbs way down can actually drop the effect and the side effects.

    For heartburn, typically most folks are missing a key acid component, so their bodies overproduce the other types, resulting in a painful imbalance. Something as simple as adding lemon juice or citric acid can help.

    Other times, drinking water with or after a meal before it is digested can cause stomach acids to float to the top of things and create heartburn.

    Another weird thing that helped my heartburn was to ADD FATS. The body is producing those acids to process fats, and then when we don't eat them, we have too much acid and not enough fats. Using what we make can help...

    Provide more specifics and we'll help as we can.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Thanks! That is helpful! I haven't been remembering to take probiotics lately, though I do eat yogurt. I need to look into kombucha. The med is an MS med, Tecfidera. I already have some stomach problems from having to take a lot of ibuprofen to counteract the S/E's of my previous MS med (it caused flulike symptoms). I'm already on Prilosec every morning to help counteract it and I use an essential oil blend (DigestZen) that does help too, and pop Tums and Pepto as needed, but sometimes that doesn't seem to be enough.
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    This is going to sound bizarre (and probably is), but when we have acid reflux issues in my house, we usually sprinkle some baking soda on a leaf of lettuce and eat it. It will most likely help your symptoms, but feel free to research other effects if that idea scares you.

    My husband figured that one out when he was younger and dealt with constant reflux (he has since had two fundiplication surgeries to correct it and does not have problems nearly as often now).

    For us, this is a once in a while thing, so I'm not really concerned about it. I'd be a little more leery if I were doing it frequently.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    macchiatto wrote: »
    Thanks! That is helpful! I haven't been remembering to take probiotics lately, though I do eat yogurt. I need to look into kombucha. The med is an MS med, Tecfidera. I already have some stomach problems from having to take a lot of ibuprofen to counteract the S/E's of my previous MS med (it caused flulike symptoms). I'm already on Prilosec every morning to help counteract it and I use an essential oil blend (DigestZen) that does help too, and pop Tums and Pepto as needed, but sometimes that doesn't seem to be enough.

    The Tums, Pepto, and Prilosec might actually be causing/exacerbating the problem. Believe it or not, the vast majority of heartburn is actually caused by not enough acid, not too much. Try dropping those for a week, and if you feel the symptoms coming on, drink some diluted lemon juice or apple cider vinegar (like, a teaspoon or so in 8oz of water).

    That might help your digestion and pain, too, since too little acid can cause indigestion.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    macchiatto wrote: »
    Thanks! That is helpful! I haven't been remembering to take probiotics lately, though I do eat yogurt. I need to look into kombucha. The med is an MS med, Tecfidera. I already have some stomach problems from having to take a lot of ibuprofen to counteract the S/E's of my previous MS med (it caused flulike symptoms). I'm already on Prilosec every morning to help counteract it and I use an essential oil blend (DigestZen) that does help too, and pop Tums and Pepto as needed, but sometimes that doesn't seem to be enough.

    The Tums, Pepto, and Prilosec might actually be causing/exacerbating the problem. Believe it or not, the vast majority of heartburn is actually caused by not enough acid, not too much. Try dropping those for a week, and if you feel the symptoms coming on, drink some diluted lemon juice or apple cider vinegar (like, a teaspoon or so in 8oz of water).

    That might help your digestion and pain, too, since too little acid can cause indigestion.

    Very interesting! Thanks for the tips!
    And @ceciliaslater, that does sound a little random but I'd say it's worth trying! :)