10/2 Day 218 Friday

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
Awareness is the first step in reducing the time spent sitting, so today's challenge is to observe when and why you sit. Write it down (you might make notes in the notes section of your food diary). As you make notes, can you think of alternatives to sitting that would work for you?

Alternative Challenge:

Instead of sitting while on the computer, put the laptop on the kitchen counter and stand! Or if you have a desktop take frequent breaks and walk around the house for a couple minutes.


  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    When I first started paying attention to when and why I was sitting (looking for ways to sit less), I noticed that the first thing I did every morning before work was sit at the dining room table with my laptop and check-in with my MFP peeps. So I did the alternative challenge...moved my laptop to my kitchen counter. Easy swap!

    I still try to pay attention to when I'm sitting and look for alternatives. My latest swap is to stand while I proofread an email. I don't have a sit-stand desk yet, so I write all my emails sitting. But I don't need to sit when I'm proofreading an email, so now I stand up, review, and then hit the 'send' button.

    Looking forward to hearing what you notice about your sitting!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Today at work instead of sitting when I was putting the wages into their envelopes, I stood....I need to find more ways to stand when I'm working....any tips would be much appreciated :smile:
  • connieannw
    connieannw Posts: 55 Member
    On the phone, anything on the computer that doesn't require typing (I do a lot of mousing around) talking to colleagues - all standing now. As a matter of fact I've been successful with standing until my feet hurt. Then I sit a spell but I make sure to get back up within 30 minutes! Of course it's still the at night after dinner 2-3 hours that I'm recliner bound and possibly sleeping :D
  • truelypinkthing
    truelypinkthing Posts: 164 Member
    I've been on my feet most of the day, except .... Working at the computer this afternoon, so instead of of popping things in pigeon holes, I walked around school and distributed them personally. I went to the theatre this evening. I sat down and enjoyed myself. Balance in all things.
  • SnuggiePeaches
    SnuggiePeaches Posts: 14 Member
    Im an administrator in a high school so today I walked several laps around the building. I'm going to start walking every time the second bell rings and students are back in class, that will be my alarm.
  • chaugen1943
    chaugen1943 Posts: 4 Member
    I like to sit when having a good conversation with family. I sit to make custom jewelry. I sit a t the computer. Well, I did walk 20mins outside. However, I sat 2 hours driving in traffic,also. Tomorrow,I will get to the gym. Later stand to cook dinner. Maybe walk with cat and family in the evening after dinner.
  • Kadi82
    Kadi82 Posts: 361 Member
    I work in a lab so don't really sit down unless on the microscope but I used the higher one so I could stand
  • mjks_mom
    mjks_mom Posts: 35 Member
    This will be a hard challenge for me. I'm rather sedentary. But that's about to change. I'm limiting my time on fb. To much time on phone sitting. So. I'm getting up. Going for a walk tomorrow.
  • SuperJo1972
    SuperJo1972 Posts: 113 Member
    Tv and tiredness. But I got up last night and watched TV with bouts on my mini trampoline.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    Great job, everyone! If we look for opportunities to sit les while still doing the things we like to do or need to do that's tremendous progress! I still sit and watch TV, although much much less than I did a few years ago. The difference now is when I sit, I don't stay seated. I get up and walk around during the commercials. We can alleviate much of the damage done by excessive sitting simply by getting up, standing or moving about briefly.