Just started Insanity!

sarebear_1992 Posts: 15 Member
Hey everyone! Came across this group today! Anyways I just started Insanity 2 days ago so today was day 3, Insanity Cardio Power and resistance. Tough workout! My calves are SOO incredibly sore after doing plyo cardio circuit yesterday! It hurts so bad when i get up and walk around or need to stand on my tippy toes to put away dishes.
My abs are sore which is good! Means I did good at remembering to keep my core tight which i always usually forget.
This time I feel good about it, my eating is extrememly good since I am following the nutrition guide and I am really pushing myself in these workout even though its sooo hard! looking forward to cardio recovery tomorrow. i need it!

Also I plan on staying away from the scale. Probably will only weigh in after the first month and then after month 2. I know the soreness will make me weigh more so i dont want to get too caught up on numbers on the scale! But i cant wait to see awesome results by the end of this! :)


  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Great job!! Sounds like you are working hard and eating right! I'm sure you'll see some good results. Shaun T. is kicking my *kitten* too :)
  • lawmaria
    lawmaria Posts: 184 Member
    awesome!! i just started my 2nd month max workouts yesterday. omg let me tell you it was rough, but i did it. i had to do the fit test then the max interval circuit. 86 mins of sweat. cant wait for tonight.!! :flowerforyou:
  • krc99080
    krc99080 Posts: 147 Member
    Congrats on starting Insanity. I'll be curious to follow your progress since you are following the nutrition guide.

    I just started month 2 yesterday and like some have said - it's like starting over again. For me it's the shoulders which are feeling it this time (either that or changing a tire did me in yesterday).

  • sarebear_1992
    sarebear_1992 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everyone! My calves are still really sore but not as bad as day 1. Today was Pure cardio. Bleh, Hate pure cardio since theres no breaks! But I still did really well!
    I am hoping to possibly get through Insanity and hopefully move on to Asylum next! One issue I had was I fell into a plateu and I think its just from my workouts not being challenging enough. Was doing Turbofire on and off for like a year! Insanity is definitely challenging me more though so I am hoping to see great results this round then possibly move on and do Asylum 1 & 2 and continue to push and see results. I REALLY would like to hit my goal weight or atleast be close by the end of this year! 60 more pounds to go. I am very hopeful that I will get there though. Keep pushing play ladies! :)
  • EmilyMcD84
    EmilyMcD84 Posts: 46 Member
    Great job! The first time I tried Insanity I only lasted a week. I wasn't going to change my diet, habits or stop drinking soda. Well, I learned you can't do Insanity with zero energy.
    I tried again once I changed my diet and put down soda for good. The energy I had was amazing and I was able to push through.
    Now I am on week 3 and can tell I am getting stronger. I am already looking/feeling more toned.

    I know what you mean about the sore calves. My legs KILLED me in the beginning!
    Good luck with the rest of your insane journey! Keep us posted with your results!! :)
  • sarebear_1992
    sarebear_1992 Posts: 15 Member
    Ahh I am so excited everyone!! I lost 3 pounds this week! Crazy! I been at a plateau for so long, Looks like Insanity is what i needed to lose the weight. So happy right now!! Going to try to keep it up :)
  • I just started INSANITY, today is my 8th day, and although I dread getting out of bed because I know how badly I'm about to get my *kitten* kicked, I feel so proud to get it done at the end. I gave in to temptation and a sore lower back yesterday and missed a day, but I feel horrible about it. I don't think I'll be doing that again.

    The biggest problem I have had so far is that my feet are extremely flat, and wearing shoes during the workout makes my would-be arches burn the whole time. I've tried various things over the week - new insoles (in new shoes), wearing my laces loose and wearing them tight- but the only thing that has helped is to not wear shoes at all. I'm working on a carpeted surface so sometimes I lose traction but no shoes = no more burning feet, instead, just burning calves and thighs!

    I haven't worked out in years, and the burn in my legs feels good, because that means that I'm making progress! The warm-ups and exercises are getting easier, although I'm still not up to Mr. Shaun T.'s level, I feel good about the program.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    but the only thing that has helped is to not wear shoes at all.

    I would just be careful with not wearing shoes. In my opinion, my feet need to be supported well when I'm jumping around like crazy :) Of course, what you do is up to you, though!

    I had some issues with my right foot before (plantar fasciitis) so I understand having feet issues, though my issue wasn't really the same as yours. It really helped me to go to a running store and get properly fitted for shoes (they look at how you distribute your weight, how you walk, etc). Like you, I tried inserts in my shoes.. but it turns out I was actually doing more damage by "over-cushioning" my shoes.