Daily Check-In (Week 23 October 5th through October 11th)

heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
Week 23 Day 1 Check-In

It's Monday, so no gym today.
I have all my meals planned and prepped for the week.
I am determined to see a loss this week dammit!


  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Week 23 Day 2 Check-In!

    I did 3 Miles on the treadmill this morning in addition to Chest, shoulders, Back and abs!
    I am now trying to do intervals on the treadmill, I actually ran some today! Woohoo! Big step for me!

    **Yesterday I got in 10,258 steps and 84.5 Ozs of water
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Week 23 Day 3 Check-In!

    Ugh I think I came down with the cooties! I had to take Nyquil last night because I felt so poopy and that left me super out of it and slept right through my 4am alarm , hope I feel better by tomorrow morning :(

    **12,307 steps yesterday and 84.5oz's of water
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Week 23 Day 4 Check-In!

    Still feeling pretty crappy, Nyquil had me out by 7:30pm and I decided I needed the sleep so no gym for me probably until next week, need to get feeling better. On the plus side now that I am back to logging all my food I am finally losing weight again :)

    **10,212 steps and 67.6 oz's of water yesterday (also did some squats and lunges here and there at work lol)