Good websites for new vegans

elpoo66 Posts: 2 Member
Hi there, I am new-ish to veganism too, 3.5 years. Will never go back! :-)
Don't be intimidated. You learned how to cook things with animal products, so now it's a little learning curve and you'll be cruising.
First make sure you are taking a sublingual B12 vitamin. Essential for vegans and for most others over the age of 50. is a great website warehouse of thousands of recipes. lovely site, reliable recipes (her cookbook is my bible) great for cooking in bulk and freezing for those busy days. mostly healthy recipes. cute ideas for kids
Google Engine II diet. Firefighter goes vegan, good recipes and motivation


  • NDCarothers
    NDCarothers Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for the sites. I've been vegan for almost 4 months. It isn't hard for me but my son isn't a veggie lover yet, we make strides everyday thou.
  • elpoo66
    elpoo66 Posts: 2 Member
    Best of luck!
  • rosej31
    rosej31 Posts: 189 Member
    I have decided to go vegan for many reason....I have doing research on vegan and watch "Folks Over Knives" and "Fed Up"....Pintest is a good website and the book "Folks Over Knives" has a lot of information.
  • barefootot
    barefootot Posts: 21 Member
    Options is Isa Chandra Moskowitz's website- she wrote Appetite for Reduction. I like the forks over knives app- that way you can look at shopping lists and recipes on the go.