Hi, ONTD!!!

jenjuneauhaupt Posts: 5 Member
edited October 2015 in Social Groups
It's me, Jen/champagnexdream. ONTDer since 2005, so 10 years now. Holy shiz I'm old.

Let's talk about our journeys and goals here! In a nutshell, pretty much my entire family is overweight or obese. I had to struggle against an environment of unhealthy eating a lot in my teens and I'm continually trying to instill healthy habits in myself and for my future children. I am and always have been the "skinny" one in my family even though I have never been what anyone in their right mind would consider skinny (nor do I want to be - not anymore, at least).

When my husband and I got together in 2011, I had gotten really in shape and was about 125 lbs. I gained gradually over the next four years and got up to a high weight of 157.6 as of Jan. 7 this year. Today I weighed in at 136.4, which is 21.2 lbs. down! Below is a before/during photo I took last Friday.


My ultimate goal is 120, which I hope to reach early next year before I run the Disney Princess Half Marathon at the end of February. I've done four other halfs before (including that one twice) and am hoping to PR at the upcoming one.

Great to be here! ONTD is one of my favorite places on the Internet and I <3 you all!



  • keithmurrays
    keithmurrays Posts: 1 Member
    Ah! I remember you posting in the roundup! I complimented your face.

    But anyways, I'm Kit and like yourself, I've grown in a household where everyone is obese. I'm also Latina so all the Mexican food I eat is great, however, eating in moderation isn't really something my family does. I've constantly struggled between that and high fat/salt content TV dinners when I lived with my dad. However, for the past 8 or so years, I feel like I've been dieting off and on. My lowest was 186, and my highest was 230. I'm currently in the 215 range, but haven't weighed myself in the two months I've started MFP. Mainly because I don't want to get disappointed in my progress, and also because my scale's battery died so I'm waiting until I see my doctor next week. I actually eat moderately healthy. High veggie and meat, low carb. I try to loosely follow the primal/paleo diet in the way that I don't really include dairy/grains in my lifestyle.

    I do believe I am losing inches, though! I fit into some capris I got from costco and I fit into a medium shirt I haven't fit into since I was in high school (can't say the same for the skinny jeans, wtf was I thinking at the super skinny tag). I don't have progress photos now, other than some taken from a year ago, but I should take some updated progress shots!
  • lizmoves
    lizmoves Posts: 5 Member
    I'm Liz (lizrocks on LJ). I've always been on the heavy side of average but after pregnancy/giving birth I passed that up and am rocking a steady 220. I've had a lot of success with paleo eating and am really trying for that to be a long term eating goal of mine. My problem is because chocolate. But as of Sept. 1 I've gotten serious about weight loss (rather than just complaining). I've given myself a timeline to be down to 130 (I'm 5'5) by September 1, 2016 and I'm pretty determined to get it done. I had a small health setback in mid-September which sucks but up until then I was doing pretty good so I'm excited to get back on track.
  • sturecki
    sturecki Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Sam (T23Time on ONTD). Ive been using MFP for the past year after all the recommendations on the reddit sub, Loseit. I have always been an active person but once I graduated university and ended up with a 9-5 desk job I steadily gained weight and ended up at 190lbs (I'm 5'4"). Through many different diets I managed to get down to 170lbs but it didn't stick (surprise, surprise). I ended up back at 180lbs and decided to re-evaluate everything. Since November 2014 I managed to get down to 155lbs through healthy eating, tracking and exercise. I stalled a bit this summer but am now back at it. My goal is to get down to 130lbs but right now I just want to focus on healthy eating and regular physical activity.
  • mfritzzz
    mfritzzz Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all! I'm Megan (she_slips_away on ONTD). My weight has fluctuated for as long as I can remember - my lowest weight was about 140, and my highest 165 (I'm 5'2"). I've always wanted to be fitter than I am, and have always felt ashamed/uncomfortable with my weight, even at my lowest. I've been on and off MFP for years, and I get frustrated with how slowly I lose weight (I've maxed out at losing 1.5 pounds per week, never made it to 2) and how hard it is to get below ~150 for me. I do eat fairly healthy usually - pescatarian diet, no meat, lots of fruits and vegetables, brown rice, whole grains, hummus wraps, salads, and minimal prepackaged food. But, I think my biggest issues are portion size and an intense love for happy hour/beer/wine.

    My husband is also overweight and struggles with body image and shame. We're both pretty emotional eaters (and both have histories with anxiety/depression) and I think we sort of enable each other sometimes. It's also really hard for me because I'm in training to be a research psychologist and my primary areas of study are health, eating, and happiness -- obviously things that resonate with me, but it also makes me feel guilty and ashamed that I don't have my own weight under control. Anyway, I'm at one of my highest weights right now (159), and it's so uncomfortable for me. I know I need to get back on track. We just adopted a dog a few weeks ago and he's keeping us super active, which is amazing, but I know I have so much to work on as far as portion size, emotional eating, alcohol/empty calories, and patience. I've been on/off with MFP for years, and I'm hoping this time I'll be able to stick! I'd love to be 130-135 by April 2016.