How is your BBG Journey going so far?



  • madderzz
    madderzz Posts: 2 Member
    I am currently on week 4 of BBG! It's amazing how quickly you feel results. I've also been meal prepping, avoiding added sugar when I can, and eating healthy in general. So far, I've lost 9.4 pounds and feel great! I have more energy, I crave eating fruits and veggies as opposed to sweets, and I am motivated to do the workouts. Of course it takes patience but being part of a community that is going through the same thing is so inspiring.

    For those of you just starting, you can do it! The first week is hard, but once you keep doing the workouts, it will become a part of your routine. I still only get through each circuit 1.5 times...but I think that's okay as long as I am putting 100% effort into what I am doing. I'm looking forward to taking my first transformation pics next Monday.
  • yalva009
    yalva009 Posts: 6 Member
    @madderzz Great work on the results! I'm modifying my workouts when it comes to jumping... I suffer from knee injuries but slowly strengthening them through BBG!

    One more week of pre-training for me and then the REAL fun begins. How many calories are you guys eating? I'm just following the suggestions of MyFitnessPal app. :smile: Just wondering what everyone else is doing. @aquadolly_ @madderzz
  • aquadolly_
    aquadolly_ Posts: 19 Member
    @madderzz isn't it great when you find something that works for you and keeps you motivated? It's helped me so much as well - totally transforming my diet and exercise. Around week 9/10 it gets very challenging but stay motivated and push through :)

    @yalva009 Never tried Kaylas meal plan but instead I have just been trying to stay under my calories and tracking what I eat (this app has been a huge help). I fell off the wagon a bit over the holidays and vacation lol but back on track now. I try and eat a lot of protein and have a lot of fruits and vegetables. I have a very bad sweet tooth so I have Square Bars or Halo Top ice cream (ice cream with higher protein) on hand so I can grab those instead of candy or bakery stuff.
  • jkirby0036
    jkirby0036 Posts: 18 Member
    I will be starting week 6 on monday! I lost 8 lbs in January :smile:
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    I'm starting the program this Monday :)
  • fitgalpal13
    fitgalpal13 Posts: 9 Member
    I started last week!
  • abdalasa
    abdalasa Posts: 2 Member
    I started yesterday! I did arms and abs and boy did that kick my butt. I realized I wasn't as strong as a thought I was which was discouraging but I'm not going to back down! I WANT to be strong and I know I can do it! I'm hoping being in this page and reading everyone's post is going to push me even further to get through this first round! We can do it
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    abdalasa wrote: »
    I started yesterday! I did arms and abs and boy did that kick my butt. I realized I wasn't as strong as a thought I was which was discouraging but I'm not going to back down! I WANT to be strong and I know I can do it! I'm hoping being in this page and reading everyone's post is going to push me even further to get through this first round! We can do it

    Yeah, that's the reason I'm doing her program - I have no strength (especially upper body) so each workout is a struggle, but I can say that the difference of my ability from week 1 to week 3 has immensely gone up, it's fascinating - it really seems to work! Keep it up, it works if you work it!
  • abdalasa
    abdalasa Posts: 2 Member
    Yeah I'm really excited about getting to feel a difference!