Hi, y'all!

And Bright Blessings! I only been active on MFP for about 4 months. I got the idea tonight to see if there were any Pagans and here I am! I am currently solitary and was trained in the Al-Gard Tradition. I tend to the Celtic pantheon for the most part. Then again - all Goddesses are one Goddess.

I had Gastric Bypass 15 years ago and lost 200 pounds. I gained 60 back, lost 70, and gained 60 back again. Too focused on scale numbers. I'm not going to do that this time. So far I've lost 28 pounds.

I hope to hear from some fellow Pagans soon!


  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 291 Member
    well im glad to here your back trying in a new way ive been on and off this cite for about 4 years now ive had a lot of instability in my life to keep me from focusing on anything productive (i was homeless its not just an excuse)

    im wiccan or pagan i try not to define myself all i know is what i believe which may make me an elective witch i try not to practice magic too much to avoid issues but just like the dieting im kinda on and off with that too i love to study but rarely have the focus i love stones the most although i know im still learning (ive also had to replace my BOS 3 times now)

    im currently battling depression and anxiety im hoping after that i will be able to focus better and get my head on straight im just starting back at work after a 3 week absence there's just been a lot going on like my grandfather dying im trying to get my life back on track and focus on health im trying to get a knee brace so im not so sore and i want to save for a fitness tracker (if u have suggestions id be glad to here them
  • Cymricdragon
    Cymricdragon Posts: 13 Member
    As for fitness trackers - I have a Garmin Vivofit2 which I love. It lets me know when I need to get off my lazy butt and move. It also has a watch and is genuinely water resistant. (FitBit says it is but some of the user reviews disagree.) I did have a Misfit Flash which was good, it just didn't really motivate me to move. Just do your research to find the features you need in your price range.