10/13 Day 229 Tuesday

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
What clean-up project will you accomplish today? We've all got small projects around the house that we've been meaning to get to...let's get her done! Sure, it may not be exactly fun, but it's a great way to keep moving and you'll feel great afterwards!

Alternative Challenge:

Make a bingo sheet filled with physical activities and try to finish as many as you can.

One of the websites i like to use (Since I'm a gamer.) is Level Up Life! It gives you a series of tasks and the more you do the more experience you get. Thus the more you level up! When you level up you unlock new activities to try!


  • julie2038
    julie2038 Posts: 142 Member
    Thanks! I organized my kitchen "catch all" counter.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I straightened out a closet!
  • dhygirl
    dhygirl Posts: 137 Member
    I wasn't home much yesterday so I did both the alternative challenges. I made a fitness bingo card with things I can accomplish at work, and signed up for lvluplife. Thanks for the ideas!
  • doitproveit
    doitproveit Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, so I noticed you posted this about our competitor, lvluplife, so I thought I'd chime in with a recommendation for our site, Do it! Prove It! We're a new community but we're heavily focused on growth. We want to be a community devoted to sharing and tracking accomplishments. I've lost weight, myself, and have been meaning to create new achievements for weight loss but just haven't gotten around to doing the proof. If any of you would like to, that'd be awesome. Though, I'll probably do it the next week. =)

    Thanks! Hope you guys will check it out!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,040 Member
    My hubby is kind of OCD, so the household maintenance check isn't really necessary. I like the bingo idea, and I have a blank bingo card sitting on my computer desktop. :)