
I'm Stephanie and just had my sleeve on Oct 14. I'm looking to find support through this with others.


  • GoDasher
    GoDasher Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Stephanie! I was also sleeved on 10/14!

    How are you doing? Surgically, I feel great. I'm struggling with getting enough protein. I'm not hungry, but desire for some flavor is starting to peek through.
  • thisfathasgot2go
    thisfathasgot2go Posts: 13 Member
    Hey! How is it going? I think your diary is great. You are getting in your proteins. Keep it up!
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    @GoDasher Flavor isn't a problem for me, now it's texture. I'm on all liquids until 11/4, then 2 weeks of puree, so no textures for me until around 11/19!!!! Otherwise, I'm doing good! How's it going there?