Health Insurance Benefits

carolinatx Posts: 58 Member
Nothing like a call with HR to discuss our new Health Insurance Benefits to make my blood sugar shoot up!! ;) I should have dosed before I even called, I know those calls always last at least 30 mins, are filled with me asking the same question 5 different times because the person I'm speaking with doesn't understand what I'm asking or has no idea what a DME benefit is and me getting beyond frustrated! After 30 mins of frustration but a very nice, helpful person, I find out I have to call another number to see how my RX's and DME pump/cgm supplies will be covered next year because she doesn't have that information.

The only positive that I discovered is this year the cost of my RX's for chronic conditions (which is all I take) will be used to meet my conisurance so that's nice!!! I'll just fill a bunch on Jan 1 - actually no I won't because I'm going to stock up in Dec because rates are going up ;)


  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Yep, but without insurance, I couldn't afford to live at all. I am also going to stock up ASAP (I get 3 month mail order prescriptions, so whatever I order now will be the last for the year anyway).

    However, I'm one of those few Medtronic users that has the 723 that is still under warranty and Sof-Sensors. While some have been using Enlites with the 723, it is not actually approved by the FDA and Medtronic can't knowingly let users do that. The Sof-Sensors are discontinued as of 12/1/15, so there will be no sensor sold that can be used with the 723. Medtronic is providing a new 540G pump and Enlite sensor for those of us who are still under warranty on the pump.

    So the short story is that I'm getting a new pump with no cost on my side and a new sensor. The only down-side is that the new pump uses the existing warranty, which will obviously expire much earlier. The good news is that when a better technology comes out, my insurance will cover the new pump because the 540G will be out of warranty (insurance won't replace a device still under warranty, even if new and improved features exist).

    I need to go through and file some flex plan claims, then see what is left. I think I'll have flex money left this year to buy something new. There is a device that connects the pump via Bluetooth through my smartphone and automatically uploads data. If I still have some flex money left after that, I might buy new eyewear... I'll have to see.