10/23 Day 239 Friday Story Time!

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
Hello, Everyone! Auna here. One of the things I like the most about this is that you lose weight while incorporating new healthy philosophies into your life style. The first time we did this was in May and it was a lot of fun. It was a little tricky but I found my one thing by standing and drawing instead of sitting. That alone helped me lose an additional 5 pounds that month. Now it was a small change but it had a nice impact after some time had passed. I have kept up with it as well. This time I am working on my 2nd thing which is pacing while listening to podcasts. I actually don’t watch a lot of TV. I am either checking up my channels on youtube or listening to my favorite podcasts. I figured I would turn one of those into something more active. But here’s the thing. Work your way into it. Some of you can probably jump in cold turkey and keep going. Others try that for a while and it gets hard so they stop doing it. So if your 1 thing is something that takes up most of the day (Let’s say you sit and watch TV a lot.), Well you might get tired out rather fast doing every single commercial break. So take it your own pace and work to have a healthy habit. Try every other commercial break. Eventually your body will adjust and it will become easy and you can do more! That is what I have had to do with the podcasts. I often listen to them for hours and they can go from a half hour to 2 hours sometimes. So I am breaking them up until I can do more. Now that I have told you my story, I want to hear yours! So please tell us how your story in the Sit Less Boot Camp is doing so far.

Alternative Challenge:

If you have young children or have the grand children a lot. Then get up and play with them and have active story times. By active I mean get up and BECOME the villain and the hero. Become the one person actor in that play!


  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    Great story, Auna. And you're right...there are lots of little changes we can make to our daily routines to be more active and to sit less and move more. "One thing" can lead to another and another and another....

    I love to read but reading tends to be a very sedentary activity. I have a treadmill but I was only using it to walk quickly to get my heart rate up...to "exercise". I realized I could use my treadmill in a whole new way! By walking slowly on my treadmill (about 1.6 MPH) I now read my Kindle books on my IPad. The time flies by, the steps fly by, and before I know it, I've been walking and reading for quite some time. I get so engrossed in the book I don't notice the time!

    I know many people don't have a treadmill at home, but you might be surprised how inexpensive they are to purchase secondhand. Especially in the Feb-March-April timeframe, when people have sadly given up on their New Years resolutions to exercise more. I've seen treadmills on Craigslist for as little as $50. Or, many of us know a friend or family member who doesn't use their treadmill anymore and it is just gathering dust.

    If you love to read as I do, reading while treadmill walking might be a great way to reduce your sitting time.

    That's my story. Looking forward to hearing yours!