Did You Know #12? It's Move It Monday!

themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
Was the weekend a little too sedentary? You're in good company: many regular exercisers aren't as active on the weekend. Shake it off as it's a brand new week and it's #MoveItMonday!

Move It Monday is an international campaign that encourages people of all fitness levels to get moving each week starting on Monday. Why Monday? Because research suggests starting out your week with exercise or a big 'ole dose of activity leads to even more exercise and activity throughout the week. It's that clean slate, fresh start, anything is possible mindset that makes New Year's Day so appealing. And it happens once a week!

If you'd like a positive nudge to be more active, especially on Mondays, you can follow MoveIt Monday through Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LetsMoveItMonday or Twitter: @MoveItMonday

Let's all make today a #MoveItMonday and have a great week!

