November 1st Weekly weigh in



  • fifiman
    fifiman Posts: 34 Member
    edited November 2015
    Original SW: 272.4
    Ultimate GW: 150

    For this challenge:
    SW: 240.4
    CW: 231.4
    Christmas GW: 217
  • curves2j
    curves2j Posts: 144 Member
    @ChandalNicole I keep thinking about Thanksgiving.....what is your plan that day?
  • istarith
    istarith Posts: 71 Member
    curves2j wrote: »
    @ChandalNicole I keep thinking about Thanksgiving.....what is your plan that day?

    Maybe it's a good idea to eat a metric crapton of vegetables and such before attending any dinner? Show up not starving! Mercifully for me, I'm spending Thanksgiving with just my husband, so we'll make all of our own food. Which means I'm making the 110% healthy version of everything! :smiley: Goddamn I'm gonna miss mashed potatoes, though...
  • ChandalNicole
    ChandalNicole Posts: 166 Member
    I saw a post from Popsugar Fitness last night that was "how to diet for thanksgiving: don't!". I'm hosting it this year at my house. I'll be able to control the butter and salt contents but I plan to enjoy myself with my family. I won't be logging on that day at all. I don't want my obsession to control my day and not be able to relax. Best advice: portion control. Enjoy yourself but don't go crazy. Not only will it REALLY derail your day but you'll probably feel sick if you overindulge lol.
  • luv2liftElise
    luv2liftElise Posts: 12 Member
    I've been thinking a lot about Thanksgiving and upcoming Christmas cookies! That's a great idea to just exercise portion control and still get a little bit of your fave food. My town also does a 3 or 5 mile Turkey Trot run/walk on Thanksgiving, so I'm planning on participating in that as well which should help!
  • natyack
    natyack Posts: 56 Member
    Same here- planning on portion control and enjoying time with family! I'll likely avoid the room with all the snacks before dinner so I'm not tempted, and I'll be sure to take my time eating and pause to talk to people around me so I don't shovel my first plate in 30 seconds and immediately go back for more. I'm usually busy running around helping out with whatever needs to be done so I'm also hoping to be on my feet a lot, too.
  • curves2j
    curves2j Posts: 144 Member
    istarith that's great that you get to do healthy version yourself- I want to stay in my bubble waaahhhaa :'(

    ChandalNicole- that is the best advice-portion control- now I need to get there mentally- because portion control is a major issue for me....

    thanks natyack for the mingling advice I will definitely use this one- will have plenty of family to do this with.

    But I may just do what herreraek22 said and do a Turkey Run- ha this will help if I do go over to at least have burned and earned some calories

    YES Absolutely Genius guys- Absolutely Genius!@!! :)
  • jm70614
    jm70614 Posts: 28 Member
    My Thanksgiving will be starting with a Turkey Trot 10K so I'll have about an extra 500 calories to enjoy and then a little 5k on Saturday. Compared to how much extra I will likely consume, it wouldn't be enough to still lose, but at this time of year I'm happy if I can just maintain rather than focusing on losing. This way I can enjoy pretty much all my favorite foods in moderation and bake dozens and dozens of Christmas treats!

    My weigh in (a little late since I was heavier after my long race)

    SW: 150
    W1: 149
    W2: 148
    W3: 148
    NYE Goal: 140
  • lorabelllee
    lorabelllee Posts: 54 Member
    I'm down a pound this week 177.6 . I'm back to running after being out of town for 4 days over the weekend so I am hoping the weight loss picks up a bit. I too have a turkey trot on Thanksgiving Day...a 5 mile race so hoping that will help with the extra food I will consume on that day!
  • run4rest
    run4rest Posts: 7 Member
    Starting Weight:343
    Goal Weight: 200
    NYE Goal Weight: 240
    Today's Weight: 263

    Notes from the week: my dog died
  • aracox
    aracox Posts: 9 Member
    SW: 191
    Current Weight: 186
    I ran a mile without stopping...which has probably happened less than 10 times in my life.
  • curves2j
    curves2j Posts: 144 Member
    @run4rest At the last vet visit one of my dog was categorized as a senior dog and I flipped into tears. I can't imagine- I am so sorry for your loss.