2katlover Posts: 72 Member
Thinking of buying this and just wondering how good it is. Does it come loose? How about cycling tracking? Where is the best place to wear it. Can I see my results on my computer even though I sync through the phone? I have a cricket ZTE smartphone and wonder if that will work with the Up Move. Sorry for the questions but I want to make sure I am getting the right product for me. Thanks for your help.


  • mr_canoe_head
    mr_canoe_head Posts: 21 Member
    I have a move and I really like it. It is small, unobtrusive, and inexpensive. I usually attach it to my keyring, which I always have in my front pocket. The tracker still seems to count steps and distance pretty accurately when worn in this manner. When I bicycle, I leave it in the back pocket of my jersey (still attached to my house keys) - though I track the ride with GPS on my smartphone using runkeeper and sync runkeeper with the Jawbone UP app, for the best accuracy.

    You can not see the results on your computer -- Jawbone does not yet have a web app. You have to use your smartphone.

    I also can't comment on your ZTE phone. I don't know if it is compatible.
