June 24 - 30

preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
Hello ladies!

Miss you all. I miss hearing from you.

I started week 3 of Turbo Fire along with week 2 of P90X Lean when I have the extra energy for it. I did 45 EZ yesterday and my legs felt like I had bricks attached to them. It's been awhile since I did that non-stop workout that I had no energy to do Core Synergistics. So, I will do Core Syn this morning then HIIT 25 (my fave HIIT) afterwards.

Does anyone know how NOT to put your weight loss status when you lose? Wait, let me rephrase. I noticed on Lucy's status when she loses pounds, it just states how many pounds she lost that week but not the total she's lost so far. I would love to do that for my weight loss statuses. Do any of you know how to do that? My weight fluctuates and I've been losing the same 5 lbs for half a year already. I've been asking Lucy and I don't know if she's getting any of my inquiries.

My physical last week was okay. Nothing to brag about. At least this time I didn't leave in tears like I have in years past. I need to stay on my blood pressure pills for another 3 months. My doc said since I'm restarting my exercise program and I'm working with a diabetic nutritionist, she doesn't want to take me fully off yet. So, hopefully in Sept, I will start weaning off the b/p meds.

One good thing is, I saw my Endocrinologist last May and he took me off Synthroid. Yay. My prediabetic numbers are rising so I saw a Diabetic Educator and Nutritionist. I'm only supposed to have 15 grams of carbs per meal and need to eat every 3 hours. I'm adjusting. I'm not perfect. I now can eat a bunless burger. There are some "family-owned" places that still look at me appalled when I ask for a bunless burger with no sides and ask for vegetables instead of fries. Yeah, whatever. Then when I go to Red Robin, that's a different story. They ask if want my burger in a lettuce wrap and they offer healthier sides. Love it.

I got wait-listed into the Medical Imaging programs for the 2nd year in a row. So, instead of waiting around twiddling my thumbs, I applied to the Medical Assistant program and got in. I start the end of August. I'll be done in a year with a certificate and associates degree since I already have a lot of classes towards that degree. My classes will all be in the morning while my kids are in school. Now, I'm just trying to plan for their Fall extracirriculars and seeing what the hubby can help with since we are still on one car.

I think I've rambled enough. Hope you're all doing well! Would love to hear from you all!


  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    Hi ladies, I too have been missing the updates from everyone. So I will try harder. I did body beast chest yesterday and today am doing Legs. I have moved into the bulk week, meaning a change in DVDs and heavier weights. I enjoy doing my legs and have been sore for just about every week, yes revamping my muscles. Lol my hubby says he thinks I am losing inches, I however don't see anything and no difference in my clothes fitting me. Oh well feels good either way. I have started to see my bicsip, and feel like my arms are getting more toned. My question is have you noticed changes in your body and where do they start for you? In what order will I notice more changes? My arms for sure less fat there, but I am not sure after that and I'd kinda like to watch it. :)

    Stel, well I am glad your appointments seem to be going good. Watching your carbs is hard work everything has carbs in it. It can be so frustrating and it defenatly takes time to adjust. As far as the ticker as I understand it, unless they have changed it, you weigh your gains and losses. If you have gained and repost it it will show you lost but not how much since you aren't where you were before. Make sense? For example I weigh in and have gained 2 lbs, the next week I lost 1lb so I log it. It will then read that I lost a pound but I am not back to we're I was before I gained my 2 lbs. thus reading a loss but not a true loss as in weighing less then I was before. Just 1lb. I hope this helps. I had to ask another friend a while back about it cause she was loing but it told me how much and it was cause she was losing her gained. Mfp is kinda like being on a real scale and if your tracking it right it tells you so. Lol I have a paper hanging on my door in my bathroom that I log my weight, however I don't log gains so its not true. :(

    I have been helping my sister out by watching her son who is 11 months old. He is a cutie and keeps me very busy durning the day. I told another friend that I'd watch her grandson for the month of July. He is 10. I know nothing of 10 year olds. So it will be interesting on my part. Well I got to go get these legs done. It will kill but so worth it. I do like working them since they are my stronger body part, my chest is not. Especially my push ups.
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    Oh crap I hit the wrong button anyway I was done........or I am now since it was taken out my hands. Keep moving ladies :)