What's in your lunch box?

I pack mine for work everyday.


Half a bell pepper
tblsp of hummus
fruit cup of peaches (no sugar added)
deli sliced turkey
sliced swiss cheese
five crackers
peanuts (no salt added)
pretzels (.5 oz)


  • juliegilburd
    juliegilburd Posts: 145 Member
    Your lunch sounds delicious! I've been overdoing the fast food lately (using the claim of being "too busy" to make lunches ahead of time), so I finally decided to quit allowing myself an excuse to not eat well... So I brought a Lean Cuisine chicken w/ almonds and rice entrée. That, and a side of Brussels sprouts, was my lunch. Not perfect, but a definite improvement over a burger and fries from a drive-thru. ;)
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    i'm lucky that i don't work outside the home, but i'll share my lunch:
    red bell pepper strips
    spicy guacamole
    triple zero greek yogurt (oikos)
    with tbsp chia seeds mixed in
    one piece of sprouted grain toast with small amount of butter