just finished 4th half, just signed up for first full!

I just finished my 4th half marathon on Saturday. I didn't quite hit my goal time, but did PR. So I'm happy! I finished in 2:00:36 ( you can probably guess what my goal time was!) but I did manage to PR by 2 minutes. So what did I do to celebrate?? I just registered for my first full. It will be in October. By then it will be about my 2 year anniversary of running. I'm really nervous, but I love a good challenge. Honestly my constant challenging of myself (to get faster, go longer) is what has kept me running. I love setting goals and reaching them. Running was not something I did...I was not an athletic child, actually barely finished the mile in enough time to pass P.E. in high school. I never ran...and here I am about to run a full...well after 4 halfs, 1 ten miler, 2 10Ks,a 5 miler and countless 5ks in the last 18 months!!


  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    I was so nervous clicking that final button when registering for my first marathon! While marathon training was grueling at times, just getting over the mental hurdle of signing myself up was one of the hardest parts - so just think, you've already accomplished that! Congrats on your decision to run a full and congrats on your recent half marathon PR :-).
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    Marathon training is much tougher than actually running the marathon. Good luck with your race in October.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    Well done for your time! That's amazing! I am chasing 2 hours too,'have my second half in a week's time. Have some
    More half marathons lined up for this year but hoping to do a full next year too. Good luck with your training