Dumb-bells...for Dummies?!?! 6/25/13

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

Okay I saw this and thought...looks doable...no stress...but oh boy ama I feeling it today! The KEY is to find challenging weights! Don't pick a 5lbs set of weights and you know that is way to easy for you! You pick a challenging weight for you and if that is 5 lbs go for it but you can tell what is easy and not. I was sweaty with this and my legs are sore today.
I added the Burpees to it since that was yesterdays challenge. You can add any cardio to it you like...say moutain climbers. Run in place for 30 sec jumping jackes...

Just do the dumb-bell workout!!!!!!!!!!


PS- do 3 sets too!


  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Yesterday was a lift day for me. Just about half my routine is dumbbells/kettlebells.

    Bulgarian Split Squats: 2 sets 12 reps 60 lbs (Kettlebells, sometimes dumbbells when between kettlebell weights.)
    Dumbbell Chest Press: 2 sets 10 reps 140 lbs
    Dumbbell Overhead Press: 2 sets 12 reps 100 lbs
    Kneeling Dumbbell Row: 2 sets 10 reps 50 lbs

    While you won't be able to lift more weight using dumbbells you's get stronger and fitter because you're working your stabilizer muscles more.