Has this group kinda 'died a death'?

cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
I notice this group seems to have stagnated; nobody has posted on it in ages...

What are your thoughts?


  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    its sort of looking that way... in fairness, I've not been posting anywhere half as much over the past year, and I've had far less Strava related stuff to post, because I've hardly had any rides booked...
  • sigsigsputnik
    sigsigsputnik Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, what's happening here? nothing? What about a new round of calls with some sort of challenge - six weeks - strava and mfp. If you are not super active anymore, why don't you open up the group a bit more and recruit new admins etc. who are willing to set new challenges. let's have a fresh start here. I am not sure that I want to be leading this (as I am completely new to mfp), but let's get it going and WIDEN your membership base by making it far easier to join and having new challenges?
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member

    you want challenges... we've got challenges coming out of our ears mate!!




    Thing is, this group was always a bit of a "bag on the side" of the Century Cycling Group... which, is where everyone hangs out, and all the challenges are administered from. We sort of launched the Strava group because We went over to using Strava for the logging/proof of ride stats, and there was a shitload of people who didn't use it beforehand, who needed a bit of advice etc. in setting it up and so forth.

    It's actually getting even more critical at the moment, as we've automated the challenges to pick up ride data directly from Strava...
  • sigsigsputnik
    sigsigsputnik Posts: 37 Member
    edited May 2016
    thanks for letting me know and sorry for making suggestions for great competitions that are already running! this sounds great. I am new on mfp. so I did not know about all the great classic challenges that you have been running. Looks amazing. I think the navigation on mfp is a bit awkward. It feels a bit difficult to find what you are looking for. I will check out the challenges! Thanks for the reply
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    basically the "communities" bit - the groups etc. is just a "bought in forum" that MFP have mildly customised for look and feel - so, to tell the truth, it's really badly integrated to the rest of the website - which pretty much accounts for the "awkward" navigation you're experiencing...

    As to the challenges, just sign up to the "century plus cycling" group ...


    and keep an eye on the newsfeed... Either myself or Jason @Jakess1971 will be announcing all sorts of stuff over the coming months - not to mention all the stuff in the "upcoming events" section...
  • BPCycler
    BPCycler Posts: 92 Member
    Just joined. Going for a 20 miler on the 17th. Where is everybody??
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    pretty sure everyone else is out riding - i'm stuck in the office at 7:40 in the evening, catching up on my second job after a week at the "day-job" , and hoping that I actually feel fit enough to go out and get a couple of miles in tomorrow and sunday.
  • BPCycler
    BPCycler Posts: 92 Member
    juat take a power nap and you'll be ready to roll!