Your lightbulb moment...



  • rustyquinn
    rustyquinn Posts: 41 Member
    Jussilu wrote: »
    I 'd like to buy clothes I like, not ones that fit. I'd like to look in a mirror, and like what I see. I'd like to be able to catch my 2 year old grandson when he's running. I'd like to get off pills that I take for being overweight. I'd like to be a hot 64 year old!!!!

  • toblave108
    toblave108 Posts: 9 Member
    My light bulb moment was watching my mom die of cancer earlier this year. It was the worst thing I've ever seen. I resolved to not put my kids through that, if I can help it. I realize that is largely out of my control, but I can control certain risk factors. However, after that horror was over, I went home and grief hit me, and I got friendly with the bottom of more than a few ice cream cartons. But I'm in it to win it now. I am still battling the random pangs of grief and the tendency to eat my way through them, though.
  • sandsofarabia
    sandsofarabia Posts: 95 Member
    Mine may not be as inspiring/dramatic as other people but...

    I had my moment after noticing weight in my face. I also never get to fit in the clothes I want to wear because of my chest size. I've come to love my body no matter what through the years of internal battles and now my drive isn't because of my self esteem but for the sake of difference. I know that losing weight now will be a huge help for me down the road when weight problems become a major issue and I want to be able to go to a store and not have to worry that they don't have it in my size. I think everyone can be beautiful the way they are now but I still have things to complain about being the size I am and I thought I'd lose weight so I can focus on more important things in my life.
  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    Fasting blood sugar of 95. Family history of diabetes. Scared me big time. In 6 months, fasting blood sugar dropped to 80. I am confident that I would be on diabetic meds if I didn't change my eating habits to be healthier.
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    was told i was diabetic and this terrified me i have seen the worst this can do my 66 year old sister has had 2 eye operations ,lost her leg and lost kidney function so she is on a machine 4 hours a day every second day . this has made her so ill she sold her family home and moved into a nursing home.not for me i will beat this
  • kmanrique321
    kmanrique321 Posts: 271 Member
    Mine was an accumulation of things. I'd gone to my doctor in June 2014 then quit my job in September bc it was literally killing me. I was having panic attacks, had no time to exercise or make healthy food. I was stressed 24/7 & borderline hysterical all the time. I stopped eating takeout all the time & eventually went into a deep depression. I lost my appetite. By January people were noticing I'd lost weight & when I saw my dr in March, she confirmed I'd lost about 20 lbs. I started making conscious changes to my diet & saw her again in April. That was when I first saw My 600 lb Life on TLC. That was an actual "lightbulb" moment: my highest weight was 438 that past June. Those people on tv could be me- I was that big. The dr was recommending a high protein low carb diet & I did some research & chose the Paleo diet. I also came back to MFP, got some friends & never looked back.
  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    edited November 2015
    I couldn't ride the roller coaster at Coney Island (Cincinnati) with my son because the lap bar would not shut. I've lost 65lbs since then (July, '15) and we are sooo going to ride that coaster on opening day next summer!
  • cpw2109
    cpw2109 Posts: 43 Member
    My girlfriend took a photo of me with my boy on my lap. I look so enormous and uncomfortable. I want to spend more time with my son doing various active things, none of which I'll be able to do if I'm massively overweight.
  • pichu318
    pichu318 Posts: 172 Member
    I have always wanted to lose weight, but I didn't want to put in the effort to do so. There was a time when I did not have a job, so I found MFP and used it to spend my time when I was not looking for a the reason I got into weight loss is a lack of anything else of interest to do.
  • mrskeown220
    mrskeown220 Posts: 16 Member
    My toddler. A few months after he turned one even though I feed him really healthy things he was denying and wanted to have what I was eating. I don't wanna be that parent that is "do as I say and not as I do" I wanna be an example, keep up with him and be here for him for as long as possible ! 68 lbs down
  • cpw2109
    cpw2109 Posts: 43 Member
    68lbs is a great effort! Your toddler will thank you.

    Just this morning, I had to deal with a tantrum as I wouldn't let mine have my satsuma that I was taking to work. He loves his fruit!
  • ashafraz
    ashafraz Posts: 114 Member
    I was a "one day" kind of gal. One day I'll lose weight, but not today. One day I'll eat healthy, but not today. One day never came. That was until I started having severe pains and landed myself a week long stay in the hospital with complications because of my gallbladder. I ended up having my gallbladder removed and because of it can't digest fats the way that I could before. I changed the types of foods that I was eating simply because if I didn't, I got sick. It was mighty miserable. After a while though, I found that I wasn't eating healthy simply to avoid being sick, but because I was craving the healthier foods. I'm still having trouble now that my body has adjusted to the gallbladder free life and I can eat a few fattier foods and so now my mind knows I won't get sick. It's now a battle of the mind rather than of the body. I will win against this monster! I'm down 66 lbs and I still have another 54 to go until I get to my goal. I didn't have a grand moment of will-power like most of you to get me started, but I did have a week of a clear liquid diet to start me off and that's got to count for something! :)
  • elizabethmchenry9
    elizabethmchenry9 Posts: 28 Member
    My moment was when I went to an amusement park at the end of summer and couldn't go on some of the rides due to my size. Ugh so embarrassing and its definitely not fun to sit on the sidelines.
  • muziique
    muziique Posts: 82 Member
    edited December 2015
    My light bulb moment was when I started noticing swelling around my ankles because I was basically sitting all day long. Sitting at work, not working out and coming home to sit more to watch TV. It really scared me! I was living the true definition of a sedentary lifestyle 5 days a week and I hated that feeling. I was tired of not caring about my physical well-being and was scared enough to make the changes needed so that I wouldn't have a major health crisis later. The track I was on was headed that way. I couldn't take it anymore. So here I am now...32 lbs down since July and counting (and no issues with my ankles anymore, thankfully!). :-)