tcpletc Posts: 5 Member
Let's get this party started with our first challenge:
Studies have shown that one of the best ways to stick with a new fitness or weight loss plan is to set reachable goals, write them down and keep a log of what you eat and what activities you're doing. It's also a great idea, if one of your goals is to lose weight, to measure and weigh yourself.
My fitness pal is perfect for helping you to keep track of your goals and progress.
So...your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is
#1. Write down your goals...what do you want to accomplish and in how much time?
#2. Then, for twenty one days, commit to logging in your food and exercise daily.
That's it!
Oh yeah, be sure to stay in touch. When you log into myfitnesspal, let your pals know how you're doing.
You're off to a great start!