How low do you front squat

christch Posts: 238 Member
I'll apologise now of this has already been asked but just wondering how low you go with your front squats. I'm starting to find that I'm not getting parallel or below now that I'm using the bar and squatting 50kg. I'm not sure if I've put to much weight on bar too quickly or if it's usual to not to go so deep. Only been front squatting with bar just on 4 weeks now. I had been doing goblet squats with 20kg and getting just below parallel or at least box squatting it. I have had mobility issues with glute and hip flexor and did lots of conditioning work. I also take a wider stance as I'm tall and got long legs.
Any ideas would be great.


  • Isca_1
    Isca_1 Posts: 124 Member
    I started lifting in Aug, doing the New Rules for Women...long story short, having issues with one of the lifts so I bought Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training by Mark Rippetoe. Might help with the form for you.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Front squats are part of my current program. I think I'm hitting parallel or just below but probably should film it some time in order to see for sure cause I can't see the side very well and don't want to turn my head for the other mirror. The feeling is pretty close to my back squats, as I do high bar so don't have as much lean as a low bar one, and front is similar to a degree in that regard. I'm always trying to find the balance though between going low enough and not going too low where the "butt wink" starts to be an issue.

    However, I'm very short, which means I don't have to travel as much distance. I see others and it makes me wonder if I'm going low enough because they have to move so far then remember they are like a foot taller than me. So, that might be a factor. I haven't done goblet squats in a while either so I think the feeling is similar for me but can't say the memory is the best in that regard.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    edited December 2015
    Lower than my back squats, I believe (funnily enough I can find videos of every lift, including snatches and cleans, but no front squats even though it's one of my strongest lifts in comparison to the rest!)

    I do high bar squats so the movement pattern is closer to the front squats, and tons of mobility work and as someone with tight hips in general, I have found a narrower stance actually allows me to go deeper. (and i'm not tall, but I ain't short either) But we've all got different body mechanics, so it might not work for you.

    Maybe you're scared of falling forward and not letting yourself go as low? You might want to try with a box as a safety to build up some confidence.

    Here, there's a front squat in that one:

    (start at 37s if it doesn't start there for you, the rest is me getting psyched. I was surprised to get that clean to be honest! lol)
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    I had a deload session tonight and discovered i can squat down onto a low bench quite comfortably up to x12 rep 35kg, x5 at 40kg. Decided not to go heavier because I was getting tired and I have decided to work on depth for moment.

    Thanks for all your advice.
    Thank you krokador for sharing that clip you're doing amazing lifts.