December 13th - 19th



  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    @JMarcella57 that's great news. I love dropping into the next lower weight, congratulations! I have done it many times in the past, lol. Hoping for my second drop, into the 180's at weigh in tomorrow. It will also be a dip, but oh how I love dip!
  • irishsungirl
    irishsungirl Posts: 19 Member
    Yeah, the negative people are no fun. I try to limit any encounters. Generally I just don't respond or walk away. Or maybe we should just have a frank conversation...something like "hi, I know you probably don't mean to, but your negativity is really putting a harsh on my buzz." Or "hi, I'm trying to be really positive today (everyday) and I was wondering if you'd like to join me?"

    Me on the other hand....

    I feel like a craptastic blob. Just outta nowhere I'm shoveling food in my mouth with a tractor. It started this morning with feeling cranky and out of sorts. Decided I didn't need to exercise (big mistake) because I've been killing it for two weeks straight. Then had a nearly 800 calorie breakfast - blah. I tried to pull it together and organize the rest of the day to balance it out.

    Then I had a talk with my boss and she didn't like this new thing I implemented and I turned around and dove into the vat cheesy poofs head first. It has not been a pretty afternoon. And I feel like a craptastic blob.

    It's like I'm trying to make my body feel as bad as I do emotionally. Anyone feel that way?

    I'm going to go listen to some live music and try to let all the crappy fall away. And start again fresh tomorrow.
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    @irishsungirl - I can totally to relate to how you are feeling. I have recently noticed that when I am in need of self care, my first instinct is to gorge myself on something salty with some wine. Those are my comfort items. I am struggling with it bad today. I am logging everything today though, as I went off the rails a bit at a holiday social last night. The last two days I have made a point of taking a hot bath and a quick nap when I get home. It has helped a lot, although it hasn't totally alleviated the cravings. I skipped my workout this morning because I am just exhausted. Thankfully I am off for the next two weeks and planning on getting some great gym time in. We've got this! :)
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    @JMarcella57 Congratulations! I admire your achievement.
    @Living360 A drop or a dip, either way, let me congratulate you on expecting a weight loss!
    @irishsungirl @MrsVelapanur I'm with you today. I overate yesterday. That's ok, brush it off, today's a new day. I overate today! I am so upset with myself. I just could not say no to holiday sweets. I logged it all but don't have the same confidence I did last night that tomorrow will be better.
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    Our office is full of holiday treats and they all have too many calories for me. I took two chocolate covered cherries, went back to my desk and looked up the calorie count. I spit one out and threw the other one in the trash. Went back for some caramel/chocolate popcorn. The calories were lower and at least I got some fiber, lol. The next two weeks will be tough but I knew that when I started in October. We'll do our best and hit it hard in January.
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    I don't think I will be "hitting it hard"...I do hope for some normalcy though without holiday treats at every turn.
  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks, ladies! So far Negative Nelly has been silent for several days; perhaps my blunt response to her last monologue gave her a hint. ;)

    In other news, MIL had knee-replacement this week and we moved her to nursing home for rehab yesterday. This a.m. she called and said she wanted out. Said NH was awful. Ugh. So, now we have to see if they'll give her the OK to go home or, if she gets discharged AMA that could mean problems with insurance. Plus, she lives alone, so I feel like either Matt or I will have to stay with her for a while. And, I'm working this w/e ... so... gah. Trying to take care of myself as best I can and not let the stress put me face first into cookies! :/

    WTG @JMarcella57 for getting into the 50's! So great when we see a new "decade"! Woohoo!

    @irishsungirl -- shake it off as best you can and zoom out to the bigger picture. We're all going to have a bunch of peaks on our charts. lol I know I've had a few already. As long as the peaks don't turn into giant mountains, we're still moving in the right direction. I feel blobtastic right now myself, lol, but I think most of it is in our heads. ;)

    Robin -- LOL @ the image of spitting out the cherry after seeing the calories! Some stuff is just not worth it. (On the other hand, some is! LOL )

    Keep fighting the good fight, ladies! We're in this together.. good, bad, or ugly! At least we're still putting one foot in front of the other. :)
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    @KrisM111 I know it sounds harsh but inform mil that if she doesn't want to end up in a nh she has to do her rehab properly. Other wise she will end up in a nh sooner than later with no choice. It's the holidays they are short staffed and running on empty no you do not get service when you ring the bell immediately. this isn't a vacation or a picnic it's rehab. I had to give this speech to my grandmother who is now 92, at 90 to perform her rehab. She did her rehab and got out 4 days early she was very proud of herself. LOL Good Luck also note if she has complications with the knee they will not cover it if she leaves rehab early.
  • irishsungirl
    irishsungirl Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks to all the fabulous ladies for the support! Yesterday was much much better and I was even able to turn my little gain from Friday into a tiny loss by doing a huge hike followed by tots of cleaning and organizing.

    Read an interesting quote about not living by habit, but instead by intention. It really struck me because my goals have always been around making good habits so I don't have to think about it. But with something so important as health, why do I not want to think about it? I'm classic "I want to be healthy and fit but don't want it to be hard or have to work for it". Gaaahhh! The fallacy of that is so obvious to me now.

    And now to figure out how to change my entire mindset. Fun!