week 14 December 19th - 25th

kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
Are you ready? No matter the outcome of this challenge if you stuck with us your a winner. Tomorrow I will share a link to the next challenge starting January 2nd. I really hope you will join..even if you made your goal weight its nice to maintain. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you all.


  • SunshineSasha
    SunshineSasha Posts: 18 Member
    I have 1.5 lbs to go to make my goal. I may be able to make it by Wed! Thanks so much for setting this up. It has really helped me stay on track through the holidays. I Pray that your health is better every day and wish you a merry Christmas.
  • countrcowgirl
    countrcowgirl Posts: 249 Member
    Are you ready? No matter the outcome of this challenge if you stuck with us your a winner. Tomorrow I will share a link to the next challenge starting January 2nd. I really hope you will join..even if you made your goal weight its nice to maintain. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you all.

    I looked but I could not find this link can you direct me to where it has been posted please - thank you ?

  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 491 Member
    Though Christmas is 2 days away, thought I'd go ahead and post now. I know I'm not likely to lose any between now and then, hopefully won't put much on either. I was down to 203.6
    last week but back up to 205 now. Not near my goal, only a 2 lb loss from 9/14 when I started this challenge, but a 10 lb loss from early July when I was 215.

    Hoping for a new start and renewed energy to get back on the wagon for the new year.
  • sarahrosebinder
    sarahrosebinder Posts: 35 Member
    SW 154
    CW 135

    I lost 19lbs during the challenge. Close to goal and Im pretty happy with the results.
  • kaysday
    kaysday Posts: 256 Member
    I can't wait for the new challenge. I aimed for a 27 pound loss this challenge but am 2 pounds shy. So I lost 25 which is still good because it's over the 20. Aiming for those numbers at the next challenge. Can't wait!!