Who wants a YUCK Mouth??? Ick! 6/27

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

Hey has anyone ever had dental scraping raise your hand? (my hand raising) sooooo I put this challenge out because we are talking about total health on MFP! TOTAL so get those brushes and dental floss out and do the thing!
BUT.....as this article shares what we eat (we can't get away from food can we?) is a huge part of our dental health as well. So share the knowledge with your family kids teens and parents that dental health is just as important as blood pressure!
I mean who wants to shell out more money on dental care then we have too! God bless if have dental insurance so prevention is key!


  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Believe it or not, this is another diet soda win. The artificial sweeteners don't rot your teeth like sugar does.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Thankfully, when I was younger, my mom didn't keep sweet stuff in the house during the summer (or any other time of the year) other than fresh fruit and occasionally fruit popsicles (these were homemade, something she taught us how to do so we could make them ourselves), we weren't allowed to have soda except on special occasions so we were used to having sugar free/low sugar Kool-Aid, lemonade, or water (when we got older iced tea), ect. I think the only thing sweet she gave in on was that she would get the single serving packs of boxes of cereal (normally only Life or Cherrios.) So even now I don't tend to keep sweet things in my house (although I do wish I still had those Tupperware popsicle things, I miss those popsicles) generally, I have milk, water, and iced tea (no sugar) in my house and nothing else, lots of fruit and I make sure I brush my teeth twice a day and floss once, I don't use the egg timer any more (to make sure that we brushed our teeth long enough my mom had a little hourglass egg timer that took 3 minutes to run out for us to use... did I mention that my mom worked for a dentist when we were kids?) now I start at the beginning of a commercial segment on tv and brush til the show comes back on.
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    Lucky me, I've never had that much of a sweet tooth. My mom took us to the dentist every 6 months/once a year when we were little. I also kept it as an adult. But now that I don't have insurance, I do extra work to keep my mouth clean and healthy so I don't have to go the the Dr and like you said... shell out $$$