Single Moms

Hi! I'm a single mom of a 2 year old boy. Would love some motivated friends that are in the same boat. I want to lose weight to set a good example for my son and help him to establish good habits early. Looking to lose 50 lbs and re-evaluate after that point.
Finding time to exercise is a struggle so I mostly get in some cardio after he goes to bed. I really want to start forcing myself to get up earlier in the mornings and do my cardio then. Any suggestions from other single moms on getting the workouts done?


  • Iloveeyore78
    Iloveeyore78 Posts: 75 Member
    While I am not single (yet anyways... lol) my son is 26 months. I exercise to Leslie Sansone and Jillian Michael dvds once he goes to bed. I recently started JM 30 day shred and will be doing day 13 tonight.

    Also we started taking long walks in the neighborhood and we play "I spy" games and count dogs, cats, fire trucks, suvs, basketballs, motorcycles, etc... you get the picture. SO it peaks his interest AND get my walk in. We do the walks 1-2 times a week and I work out to the dvds 6/7 days depending on if I get an outside walk in.

    Every little bit makes a difference and I find making time for me helps me be a better mom to him AND I have more energy to keep up with him. I also workout in the basement so I pause as needed to get laundry done too.
    It can make for long days at times but I know my little man deserves it and I deserve it.
    If you need ideas for dvds please let me know. Hope this helps :)
  • bamabutterfly83
    bamabutterfly83 Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions Eeyore! I need to bust out his wagon now that summer is here. Pulling a 33 lb kid in a 15lb wagon is a serious work out.
  • i find it is easier for me to go for a walk once my kiddo is on the bus.I would walk for an hour or so. Sometimes, I would walk several times a day, if I felt like it. It depends on the weather where I live, wet, I stay inside, excise with Callenectics or you tube clips of excercise class. I am a single Mom of a 9 yr old.
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    I am a single mom to twin boys (they'll be 7 in November). I've been single since day 1 so I understand your frustration with time. I actually didn't start this healthier lifestyle until the beginning of last year, so my experience with exercising with them is a little different. But I pack up their bikes and we go to the local school. I run and they ride with me.

    When I workout at home, I usually wake up early. There have been days though, that I've popped in a movie for them in my bedroom and done my workout in the living room.

    I am trying to teach them healthy habits (like you are) so I like including them in exercise. They really enjoy riding their bikes. In the winter, I'm planning to continue running, so I'll have to figure out something for them to do. There's a big hill at the school. Maybe I'll run around it and they can sled!!

    While your little guy is still young to be riding bikes, I'd say a stroller is a must. If you live near a park, walk to it, let him play then walk home. Not a cardio workout, but a healthy way to spend some quality time with him. Nap times are also a good time to do a quick at home workout (the 30 day shred is awesome).

    Feel free to add me :) Good Luck on your journey!!