January 3-9



  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    @2020pinktogo Take care of yourself. In my opinion, rest is the most important thing one can give themselves. Be active (exercise) as much as possible and eat well. Losing weight will come along the way. And you have us for support!
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    @2020pinktogo Yes, take care of yourself. You don't want to turn into the wacko one.

    @option3girl Steady and consistent is good. Sometimes things happen though, but just jump back on track and you'll be fine.

    Yesterday, I did no exercise because of all the driving. Today, nice weather for a 90 minute walk after work. Truly enjoyed it!
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,412 Member
    So I'm so excited I found someone to do the 2016 Turkey trot with me on thanksgiving. LOL (It's on my bucket list) It's a 8k walk / run done on thanksgiving morning and people dress up in crazy outfits and I have always wanted a tutu. So here you go me and my friend are going to get tutu's to wear for the turkey trot. Mine will be hot pink she wants the rainbow tutu. There are not many affairs you can wear a tutu too when you're not a dancer LOL ;)

    Have a great day everyone!!!!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    My bucket list is pretty short right now. It may seem a little silly, but there are those few things I've wanted to do but just haven't.
    1. Let my hair grow long again.
    It thin and fine and probably won't look good long. But when I was in my middle 20s I cut it for a more professional business look and always regretted it. Right now, it's the longest it's been in years. (Only down to my shoulders in the back.) I'm going to let it go for as long as I can stand it.
    2. Walk to the top of the small mountain in our neighborhood.
    It's just one of those things that's bugged me since we moved to the bottom of the hill (it's technically called a mountain) about 15 years ago. At first, I was just really busy and not into walking. Then I was overweight and out of shape and it was just too painful to get to the top. (The actual crest is a neighborhood over, but our neighborhood crest is close to the top.) Now, I'm ready. For the most part, I think I've created a block in my brain over time. My sons have convinced me it isn't as bad as I'm making it out to be. Within the next couple of weeks, I intend to find out!
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,412 Member
    It all started with my mom and the bucket list and I was like Hmmm what are things that I always wanted to do and now I have a list. I had to find something for the tutu as it was something I always wanted but never got as a child. LOL

    I figure I will just keep adding stuff when i mark stuff off but for so long I just kind of existed. And I'm just going to LIVE LIVE LIVE and have some fun. My daughters at the age where she can just pretend she doesn't know me. LOL

    Let us know when you reach the top of your Mtn. I know you can do it. :)
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    I had my week planned out and was ready to take on the New Year. Now, I have a chest cold. It figures I would catch something from my students as soon as I came back. I was hoping I was able to stave it off with a whole bunch of zinc and fluids. But I didn't. Now I am home sick today and probably tomorrow. Ugh. On the plus side, I am down 0.6 pounds. :)
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    @MrsVelapanur I hope you are well as soon as possible

    @2020pinktogo @JMarcella57 I have not thought about a bucket list enough to decide what to put on it. For now, I'll just take whatever I'm dealt.

    It was a dreary day weather-wise today. No walking, ate a little over my limit, and still want to eat more!!!! It's the weather, I tell you. It's the weather!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    @MrsVelapanur - Hope you're feeling better quickly.
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    Hope sick from work for the second day in a row. I feel restless but I know I need to rest. I was able to get some decent sleep last night with the help of a sleep aide. Also, I am down another 1.6 pounds today!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,578 Member
    Today was rest day and I was doing fine on eating choices until I went out with friends. I ordered fine but then finished what my friend couldn't (half a brownie and all the ice cream). Oh well, tomorrow is a new day which involves early morning fitness and bjj open mat...
  • livingyoung28
    livingyoung28 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi All - Doing pretty good with calories the last few days and managed to get to the gym for some walking last night on treadmill with mom (light work out). I missed gym sunday, Monday and Tuesday - not good. Tonight I am going out to dinner with my husbands mom for her birthday (I'm really going to try to keep calories down). Got to get to the gym!!!!
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Today I'm doing better than yesterday. (The weather is better.) I went grocery shopping and got some food that will help me stay on track. I don't see a weight loss coming soon but feel healthier than I've been in years since I've been heading in the right direction for a while. It's so great that one bad day or two doesn't make me feel like I should go ahead and give up.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,412 Member
    My weight is up a couple pounds but I'm having a problem keeping my blood pressure up so I have had to increase my sodium intake in my food and taking tablets so i'm hoping it's just water gain. Oh well you take the good with the bad.
  • livingyoung28
    livingyoung28 Posts: 34 Member
    Good morning!

    @NewOR2015 - That's right there is no giving up! I'm a firm believer in changing small things over time for a healthier lifestyle this will lead to great results!

    @2020pinktogo - I'm sure it is just water weight - our weight can fluctuate daily depending on sodium intake.

    So last night I went out to eat for mother in laws birthday, I really did not care for my meal so I did pretty good. I also managed not to have dessert but had one piece of bread dipped in olive oil, yum! Off to the gym after work (if with mom again this will be a light work out). I might try a daily burn workout at home after that. Rain this weekend so thinking about getting some cleaning done.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    My bucket list is pretty short right now. It may seem a little silly, but there are those few things I've wanted to do but just haven't.
    1. Let my hair grow long again.
    2. Walk to the top of the small mountain in our neighborhood.
    After 17 years living here, I did this yesterday. :)
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    @JMarcella57 That's great that you conquered the mountain. I've heard if you write it, it will come true. And it worked for you!

    @2020pinktogo I believe livingyoung28 is right about our weight fluctuating daily. I am scheduled for a 60 hour week, only skipped exercise 1 day and did pretty well eating although some of the food may have had high salt content. Our dinners are catered when we have these long days. I only missed weighing yesterday and this morning I was up 2.4 pounds, ughh. Even though I know it's mostly water, the numbers can suck sometimes. I have this schedule once a month so I will need to be diligent during the other three weeks and keep in mind my long term goal.

    Have a nice weekend all!
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    @JMarcella57 - way to go! I bet it was an awesome feeling to get to the top of that mountain.

    @livingyoung28 - I really don't think there is anything more simply delicious than bread dipped in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Our waist lines would disagree but it doesn't get much better than that dance of flavors. :)

    @NewOR2015 - One day at a time is a good way to look at things. Being sick this week has definitely knocked me back so I am focusing on keeping my food in check and not going over my calories...and of course resting and drinking plenty of water.

    @2020pinktogo - Up your water intake to compensate for the increase in salt...I am sure that will help.

    I am home sick today for the third day in a row but I am continuing to lose weight through carb cycling. I had my first four days of high carbs now the next two days are low carb. Sunday will be the reset day and I will total how much I've lost so far. This way of eating keeps me satisfied throughout the day and is pretty easy to plan.

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    @MrsVelapanur you have been showing a nice weight loss. Are you following a specific carb cycling plan? Do you do no carb days, low-carb days and high-carb days? Because of your post I am reading about this type of plan, not sure I could stick to it but it is intriguing.
  • livingyoung28
    livingyoung28 Posts: 34 Member

    - Scary! LOL
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    @Living360 - I picked up Heidi and Chris Powell's new book, Extreme Transformation, to see if I can jump start getting rid of those last 20-something pounds. It's pretty simple to follow and includes great recipes. Essentially, you eat five meals a day, no more no less. The first four days of the cycle you do high carb for four meals, low carb for dinner. The next two days are low carb, except for breakfast. On the last day you do a reset and up your calories. You then start it all over. I am not following the exercise plan because I have my own routine I follow already. But it includes exercises and activities to follow as well.