Weekly Weigh In 1/3

istarith Posts: 71 Member
Starting Weight: 193lbs

Week 1: 192.8 (-.2lbs)

Total loss: -2.lbs

If you lost anything at all this week, pat yourself on the back - it's the NEW YEAR, and any loss at all is off to a great start!! I myself did a few short runs at my gym and kept my calories mostly under all week. That said, there still is so much holiday candy laying around, and I'm trying to keep to my diet while not being wasteful... :wink:


  • jailyn3
    jailyn3 Posts: 56 Member
    Starting Weight: 190lbs
    Week 1: 188.8 (-1.2lbs)
    Total loss: -1.2lbs

    I didn't do anything real special since the week between Christmas and New Years is still "party mode" for my family. I did really start watching my portion size. But next week, with things back to normal I hope to do even better, consistent exercise and logging everything! Good luck everyone!
  • itstime2016
    itstime2016 Posts: 129 Member
    Starting Weight: 230 (12/21/15)
    Week 1: 226.8 (+0.8 lbs)
    Total Loss: 3.2 lbs since 12/21
    Goal Weight: 175

    I am actually ok with gaining .80 lbs this week. We had 4 family gatherings for big Italian dinners including a late dinner out last night. I logged my first miles yesterday for 2016! That was exciting!

    Looking forward to seeing what I can get done this week now that I am back on my normal eating and exercise schedule!!

    Have a GREAT week everyone!
  • deety3
    deety3 Posts: 82 Member
    Starting Weight (1/1/16): 202.4
    Week 1 (1/3/16): 201.4
    Total Loss: 1 Lb.
    Goal Weight (3/1/16): 185

    lol Okay - so losing a pound in 2 days is probably water weight. I don't care - it's making me feel empowered and strong and happy to be here! I'll take that!

    And in case I forgot to say it earlier, thank you Sarah for putting this group together!
  • kaysday
    kaysday Posts: 256 Member
    Ultimate Starting Weight: 330
    Challenge Starting Weight 282.6
    Week 1: 282.6
    Ultimate Goal Weight 180

    Hoping I can continue to work as hard as I did at the beginning of my journey to accomplish my goals. I usually break them up into 10 milestone at a time. Smaller goals for me make it easier to accomplish. Good luck everyone!
  • amarz298
    amarz298 Posts: 36 Member
    Starting today at 206.2
  • chloe2300
    chloe2300 Posts: 87 Member
    Sorry for the late post!

    Original Weight: 198lbs
    Starting Weight: 159.2lbs
    Week 1: 156lbs
    Loss = 3.2lbs

    GW: 125lbs
  • KoshVorlon
    KoshVorlon Posts: 31 Member
    My original starting date of Oct 1, 2015
    10/1/15: 290
    12/30/15: 272 (-18)
    1/1/16: 270.4 (-19.6)
    1/6/16: 269.2 (20.8) [1.2 lbs so far this week...]
  • istarith
    istarith Posts: 71 Member
    @KoshVorlon Way to go!! 20 pound loss!!
  • KoshVorlon
    KoshVorlon Posts: 31 Member
  • chloe2300
    chloe2300 Posts: 87 Member
    Original Weight: 198lbs

    Starting Weight: 159.2lbs
    Week 1: 156lbs
    Week 2: 155lbs

    Challenge Loss: 4.2lbs

    GW: 125lbs
  • a1bowins
    a1bowins Posts: 5 Member
    Starting weight 216
    Week 1: 213.4

    Challenge loss: 2.6

    GW: 150
  • behnybaby
    behnybaby Posts: 106 Member
    Starting Weight: 198lbs
    Week 1: 198lbs
  • KoshVorlon
    KoshVorlon Posts: 31 Member
    My original starting date of Oct 1, 2015
    10/1/15: 290
    12/30/15: 272 (-18)
    1/1/16: 270.4 (-19.6)
    1/6/16: 269.2 (20.8) [1.2 lbs so far this week...]
    1/10/16: 268.2 (21.8) [2.2 lbs for the week!]
  • ForMe2No
    ForMe2No Posts: 235 Member
    SW: 286.9lbs
    This Challenge SW: 204.9
    Week 1:-1.8lbs
    CW: 203.1