Hubby is home every night now!!!!!

flitabout Posts: 200 Member
While I am so excited that he is home and love that he is here everynight. I am so ready to kick his butt back out the door! It is frustrating. The fact that since he has been home he has lost 15lbs is really ticking me off I have gained 5 and he didn't need to lose any to begin with! Now I have to make food that he will actually eat, he's the type that if it's healthy he isn't eating it.
I tweaked my recipes amped up my workouts and still I gained 5lbs! I am now reduced to making 2 different meals and gritting my teeth while everybody else eats ice cream, cookies and chips. I either go for a walk while he's eating his junk food or go to bed. Going to bed early is equally dangerous because then I get up way to early. I get up I see the junk and through the remaining fog of sleep removes my better judgement and I end up eating the leftover sweets. Yes I get up a 4am and eat peanut butter pie.
What to do, what to do...


  • highflyer88
    highflyer88 Posts: 148 Member
    I know how you're felling. When mine works over the road I can fix what the boys and I will eat (healthy or not so much). When he's here like he has been for a few months now it's things he will eat or he gets upset. Mind you I control what comes into the house so junk food wise there isn't a whole lot anymore. However he does nothing in the way of working out and when I am working out I usually get stared out or asked why are you doing that. My husband however is in need of weight loss but feels that if he hits the weight room he'll magically become 200 pounds lighter. Try and stay strong keep doing your routine and if you get up at 3a and see the peanut butter pie do a workout or something that you can do around the house and ignore it! I know very hard to do but over time you will find that pie won't say eat me as loudly! :smile: