Introduction and Challenge Goals

agreenid Posts: 218 Member
Hello everyone!

Here is the thread where you can introduce yourself, a little of your journey, and the goals you have for this 8 week challenge (and the year!).


  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member
    edited January 2016
    Starting off...

    I, like many, have struggled with my weight since childhood. I hit an all time high in University but got down to the low 200s where I stayed for years. Last April, my boyfriend and I decided to make a lifestyle change and work towards being healthier. Since then, I have lost over 40lbs. Thanks to a few extra pounds put back on during the holidays, I am motivated and excited to get back to making more of the right choices than I have been!

    My (extended family) brother is getting married in March in Thailand (woo!). My boyfriend and I leave March 1st for our trip, we're heading to Japan before we head over to the wedding, and I'm looking to be in the best shape and head space as possible before we go. I'll be seeing a lot of family in both Japan and at the wedding that I haven't seen in years and so I'm not ashamed to admit that I want to look my best for when I do.

    Right now I'm solidly at a size 8. I'd really like to be down to a 6 before we go (who is saying these words? I was at a 14 less than a year ago!) Ideally I'd like to be down close to my goal of 145 but that's more weight than I think I can lose in 8 weeks so I'm going to set my goal to being 148 and see if I can't get there!

    Let's rock this challenge and get some great habits in place to carry us through the upcoming year!
  • FatSwatter
    FatSwatter Posts: 175 Member
    I was actually opposite, skinny as a rail as a kid. In fact, I was frequently nicknamed "Skinny butt" or "Toothpick" growing up. I also grew up vegetarian and was fairly active. I was always sent outside to play with my brother while my mom cooked. I probably spent an average of 2-3 hours running around outside for a good 10 years of my life. When I went to high school, I kept the vegetarian lifestyle and participated in a lot of sports like volleyball, track, and such.

    College was when things really changed. The stress of school work coupled with having no real time for relaxation was the catalyst for me gaining weight. However, the biggest culprit was when my brother died in 2005. He was my best friend and the only real person who "got me". After being diagnosed with situational clinical depression and taking several antidepressants, I gained a whopping 70 pounds in about a year. I know now that while I thought at the time that my world was falling apart, I can and will take charge of my health.

    I originally started MFP in 2011, joined a gym, and was good for about 2 months. Then I stopped doing anything while paying for a gym membership wasn't using. In 2014 I came back and managed to lose 40 pounds before sinking into depression around the 10 year anniversary of my brother's death. Today, I am back with even greater determination because I know I can do it in the first place but I also need as much support as I can get. I didn't think I needed MFP but the past couple of months I've done a lot of soul-searching that has now made me realize more than ever that we can all help each other during good and bad times. In fact, it's those bad times that I think we really need others the most. Unfortunately, I had to take a hiatus from MFP to realize that but thank goodness the band wagon is still there ready to let you back on!! :smile:

    My highest weight was 240, I lost a little over 40 pounds last year and actually saw 196.8 on the scale. However, over the holiday, I gain about 10 pounds. I was a size 18 all the way until hitting ONEderland and barely tip-toed into a size 16 before gaining weight. I managed to not just try on but wear a pair of pants I haven't worn for about a decade! I know if I did it once, I can do it again!

    Thanks for starting this group, I look forward to this journey again!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi there! Im a serial yoyoer who has lost 70lbs in the past and gained 30, lost 30, gained 20....highest weight was 250.

    Proud to have kept 60ish of it off long term but have more to lose. I am 10lbs away from my lowest weight, 181, that i got to before the holidays wrecked havoc on me. Its always those same 10-20lbs that come back >.<

    I do however have another 40-50lbs that I would like to lose this year, my husband and I are going to try for a baby in 2016 (!!!) and I want to be in the best shape that I can be before that happens. Ultimate motivator: activated.

    My goals are to move more and eat well. I lose fat easily when I eat low carb/high fat so planning to go that route with food. I love ice cream and chocolate and adore bread, but will be eating them in micro quantities from now on. Somethings are worth more than candy…like getting in tip top shape for a baby! Really hoping I can motivate my husband to lose weight as well-he has lost 90lbs and gained 110lbs. I want us to live long and healthy lives with each other and our baby (!!!!!) I've waited so long for us to be ready to start trying, and now it's in my sights I'm so thrilled and MOTIVATED!

    Lets get fit together, nice to join you!
  • robingmurphy
    robingmurphy Posts: 349 Member
    Hi! I'm a 42 year old overeater who has maintained my weight in the upper levels of the normal range most of my life through being active (I've been a 15+ mile a week jogger for twenty years) and mostly eating very healthy (lots of veggies) with the overindulgence being on top of that. As I've gotten older, it has been harder and harder to stay in the normal weight range, and over the last few months I've gained ten pounds which pushed me into the overweight range. I decided this is the year I'm fixing the overeating thing and losing the extra weight. I'm 5'5" and hit 151 on Christmas, and started a lifestyle change the day after. I'm counting calories via MFP (target of <1600 calories a day) and maintaining my exercise, plus adding a little more weight lifting. I've lost 5 pounds (probably like 3 of water weight) in the last week and a half. My short-term goal is to hit 140 by end of January, and longer term to hit 20% body fat by July (I anticipate I'll be at around 125 lbs.) More importantly, I want to get in control of my compulsive overeating (eating regularly past the point of fullness/when not hungry even when it's no longer pleasurable).

    Age: 42
    Height: 5'5"
    CW: 146
    Short Term GW: 140
    Long Term GW: 125
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    Hi there Everyone!

    My name is Marla Jean, I'm 44 and live in S.E. Alaska. I'm a shorty and proclaim myself as Fun Sized at 5'2". My personality is very optimistic and I try to live life highly positive. I am currently concentrating on being content with my body at all stages of change. I will always strive to stay healthy and work towards getting fit.

    In my first year on MFP (March 2013-March 2014) I lost about 38 pounds and 6% Body Fat! By November of 2014 I reached my first weight loss goal which was 50 lbs! I was very pleased with my low and slow route to this loss because I knew it meant a more permanent change.

    After I finished my SECOND YEAR ON MFP (March 2015) I began to experience a SEVERE fitness funk and then I allowed life stressors to give my setback momentum and slid into a fairly large setback. Into summer and by the end of last fall I had gained back about 13-15 pounds and now at the beginning of 2016 I am 20 pounds up from my lowest weight. I know (at least I HOPE!) about 5 pounds of that will come off quickly due to water weight from the HOLIDAZE.

    It's time to get this setback in CHECKI and this group offers perfect timing because March 6th I will have completed 3 years with MFP and while I would very much like to be back at the 147 pound range I know that's too much (at least for me) in 8-9 weeks so I'm shooting for 157 and a 10 pound loss during this challenge.

    Other intentions I am aiming for:
    1. WORKOUT 1500 minutes in January
    2. Drink 64+ Ounces of PLAIN water per day
    3. Pre-Plan Menus at least 1-3 days in advance
    4. Increase Protein, decrease processed foods

    My 3 Golden Rules:
    1-I won't restrict myself from foods I want to eat.
    2-I won't do anything that I can't do for the rest of my life.
    3-I won't quit.

    Other than the fact that I will be reaching a milestone with MFP and the fact that I simply want to be the best me that I can be in all aspects of my life, I have a peripheral motivator because I got engaged this past September and our wedding date is September 10, 2016!

    I'm excited to get to know some of you and grateful to start this part of the journey with you all, let's BUST a MOVE on these next 8 weeks (9 for me :wink: ) WOO-HOO! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    Lyssa, here :)

    2nd year of really trying to get in shape.

    4 years ago, I went from working the sales floor at Kohl's to doing tech support for a school district, which lead to a drastic drop in activity. Over these 4 years, I gained about 15 pounds, putting me at 140 lbs on a 5' tall gal.

    In that time, I also realized I have Seasonal Affective Disorder, which explained a lot of my energy issues in the winter. Once I realized this, I was able to look into how to manage it. It's been a slow process - and harder because there's really only 2-3 months where I can test a new strategy each year - but I'm getting there. Almost had it under control this year, so I have hope for next year :)

    Over 2013-14, I managed to maintain my weight, rather than gain 5 pounds over winter.

    Last year, I participated in a biggest loser competition with my colleagues, and lost nearly 25 pounds from January 2015 - June 2015.

    Took a maintenance break, did a lot of shopping (it's amazing how much clothing I just couldn't wear anymore...) and now I'm back to try to lose a bit more. No idea what "a bit" is, and I'm trying to do more with strength training this time around.

    Kinda wanna see if I can get to 110 and be happy, but if I find that's too tough, I'll just do a slow gain back to where I am now.

    Much more interested in lifting things and tightening up all around so I can feel confident in the new swimsuit I plan to buy ;)

  • Rgianola
    Rgianola Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Rosalia. I weighed myself this morning (been avoiding this for a long time) and was so disappointed with myself. 230 pounds. I am turning 50 this year and really need to take control of my weight. I recently joined MFP and this challenge seems doable to me. I have promised to eat better and start and stick with an exercise program. Today is day 1 of my journey.
  • Rgianola
    Rgianola Posts: 9 Member
    forgot to include goals.
    short term weight loss goal is to loose 10 pounds by the end of the eight week challenge. So that is getting down to 220 by March 2

    next goal would be to weight in at 199 pounds by my 50th birthday 06-29
  • karbruce
    karbruce Posts: 73 Member
    Hi gang.
    My name is Karla. I have always been fit and active and managed to control my weight by exercise, however ever since I turned 35 (8 years ago) coupled with serious health issues for my husband (starting 7 years ago) the exercise alone has not been doing the trick. I have got at least 50 pounds to lose in order to be in optimum health. I say at least 50 because I really do need to weigh myself. Tomorrow for sure.

    My goals - In this 8 week time frame I want to:
    - weigh myself (Heh)
    - establish a relationship with a counselor/therapist. I really need to address the issues why I medicate stress and anxiety with food (and sometimes wine).
    - eliminate eating in front of the TV

    That's it so far! I am reading a book about micro resolutions (Small Move, Big Change by Caroline Arnold) and the small change engendering larger change idea appeals to me. (agreenid- was it you who recommended this book? So far I love it.)

    Looking forward to getting to know you all better!
  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member
    Hey guys! I'm so glad to see you all here and read through your introductions!

    One thing I love about the MFP community is that while we may have different backgrounds and stories we are all coming together to do accomplish our goals. I can't wait to get to know you all better over the next 8 weeks :smiley:

    We. Can. Do. This!
  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member
    karbruce wrote: »
    Hi gang.

    That's it so far! I am reading a book about micro resolutions (Small Move, Big Change by Caroline Arnold) and the small change engendering larger change idea appeals to me. (agreenid- was it you who recommended this book? So far I love it.)

    Looking forward to getting to know you all better!

    @karbruce It wasn't me but I should check it out! I've been really putting off focusing on my macros especially since I know so little about how to implement it and there is just so much information on the internet. I'll have to check it out!
  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member
    Rgianola wrote: »
    forgot to include goals.
    short term weight loss goal is to loose 10 pounds by the end of the eight week challenge. So that is getting down to 220 by March 2

    next goal would be to weight in at 199 pounds by my 50th birthday 06-29

    @Rgianola A birthday goal is a great goal! I did that last year (December 13) and was able to hit it so I hope you can make yours (scratch that, I know you can!).
  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member
    macgurlnet wrote: »
    Lyssa, here :)

    Took a maintenance break, did a lot of shopping (it's amazing how much clothing I just couldn't wear anymore...) and now I'm back to try to lose a bit more. No idea what "a bit" is, and I'm trying to do more with strength training this time around.

    Kinda wanna see if I can get to 110 and be happy, but if I find that's too tough, I'll just do a slow gain back to where I am now.

    Much more interested in lifting things and tightening up all around so I can feel confident in the new swimsuit I plan to buy ;)



    I'm in a similar boat with you in terms of not having a good idea of where I want to end up number wise but I think that once you get to a certain point it really becomes about how you feel. I added in weights and strength training in June of last year and it has made a huge difference--I'm not quite at a point where I'm comfortable in anything but a one piece but I hope to get there one day! I can't wait to see what swimsuit you buy!
  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member
    Hi there Everyone!

    In my first year on MFP (March 2013-March 2014) I lost about 38 pounds and 6% Body Fat! By November of 2014 I reached my first weight loss goal which was 50 lbs! I was very pleased with my low and slow route to this loss because I knew it meant a more permanent change.

    After I finished my SECOND YEAR ON MFP (March 2015) I began to experience a SEVERE fitness funk and then I allowed life stressors to give my setback momentum and slid into a fairly large setback. Into summer and by the end of last fall I had gained back about 13-15 pounds and now at the beginning of 2016 I am 20 pounds up from my lowest weight. I know (at least I HOPE!) about 5 pounds of that will come off quickly due to water weight from the HOLIDAZE.

    It's time to get this setback in CHECKI and this group offers perfect timing because March 6th I will have completed 3 years with MFP and while I would very much like to be back at the 147 pound range I know that's too much (at least for me) in 8-9 weeks so I'm shooting for 157 and a 10 pound loss during this challenge.

    Other than the fact that I will be reaching a milestone with MFP and the fact that I simply want to be the best me that I can be in all aspects of my life, I have a peripheral motivator because I got engaged this past September and our wedding date is September 10, 2016!

    I'm excited to get to know some of you and grateful to start this part of the journey with you all, let's BUST a MOVE on these next 8 weeks (9 for me :wink: ) WOO-HOO! HAPPY NEW YEAR!


    Congratulations on your engagement!

    You are going to rock this. It's funny how MFP "streaks" or anniversaries really help to motivate. I know you can get back to where you were and can't wait to be with you when it happens! :)
  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member
    I've lost 5 pounds (probably like 3 of water weight) in the last week and a half. My short-term goal is to hit 140 by end of January, and longer term to hit 20% body fat by July (I anticipate I'll be at around 125 lbs.) More importantly, I want to get in control of my compulsive overeating (eating regularly past the point of fullness/when not hungry even when it's no longer pleasurable).

    Can I ask if you do your own measurements for BF and how you do them? I really want to start tracking that (I work with a trainer till the end of the month who can help me out but beyond that I want to keep doing it on my own and don't have a pinchy tool like she does!).
  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member
    FatSwatter wrote: »
    My highest weight was 240, I lost a little over 40 pounds last year and actually saw 196.8 on the scale. However, over the holiday, I gain about 10 pounds. I was a size 18 all the way until hitting ONEderland and barely tip-toed into a size 16 before gaining weight. I managed to not just try on but wear a pair of pants I haven't worn for about a decade! I know if I did it once, I can do it again!

    Thanks for starting this group, I look forward to this journey again!

    @FatSwatter Absolutely you can!

    It is a journey, with all the bumps in the road a journey has, but I'm so glad that you're here with me on it! B)
  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member
    Kirstie155 wrote: »
    My goals are to move more and eat well. I lose fat easily when I eat low carb/high fat so planning to go that route with food. I love ice cream and chocolate and adore bread, but will be eating them in micro quantities from now on. Somethings are worth more than candy…like getting in tip top shape for a baby! Really hoping I can motivate my husband to lose weight as well-he has lost 90lbs and gained 110lbs. I want us to live long and healthy lives with each other and our baby (!!!!!) I've waited so long for us to be ready to start trying, and now it's in my sights I'm so thrilled and MOTIVATED!

    Lets get fit together, nice to join you!

    What a great motivator! You can absolutely get there *cheer*
  • Bettyboag
    Bettyboag Posts: 218 Member
    Hi everyone
    I lost 17kgs through being on shakes for a year and was very happy with my weight however bad habits returned and I have regained 14kgs back.
    I would like to lose the weight without going back on the shakes and giving up beer completely. I wiuld like to commit to the gym three times a week doing body pump.
    I would like to lose 10kgs to sit at a weight that is more realisticly achievable to maintain.
    I look forward to losing weight with you all.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    agreenid wrote: »
    I've lost 5 pounds (probably like 3 of water weight) in the last week and a half. My short-term goal is to hit 140 by end of January, and longer term to hit 20% body fat by July (I anticipate I'll be at around 125 lbs.) More importantly, I want to get in control of my compulsive overeating (eating regularly past the point of fullness/when not hungry even when it's no longer pleasurable).

    Can I ask if you do your own measurements for BF and how you do them? I really want to start tracking that (I work with a trainer till the end of the month who can help me out but beyond that I want to keep doing it on my own and don't have a pinchy tool like she does!).

    I am not the one you asked, but I do my measurements and used this calculator:

    Comparing what I look like to pictures I'd seen posted, it gave a reasonably accurate number.

    Reminds me that I should do measurements! Maybe I'll plan to do that this Sunday...

  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    @robingmurphy I use an OMRON Body Fat Analyzer that I got on amazon and I think it only cost like $30 or so, it's not 100% accurate, but it shows your trends and can give you a general idea of how you are doing until you can get into a trainer and/or physician who can do a more accurate reading with the calipers. I've also heard some scales they sell now can do a similar thing, but haven't tried one of those.

    Along the same lines of Body Fat analysis I've read that the most accurate readings are the ones done underwater, but I understand that those are VERY expensive and living on an island in S.E. Alaska we don't even have access to one like that, at least that I am aware of.
  • robingmurphy
    robingmurphy Posts: 349 Member
    agreenid wrote: »
    Can I ask if you do your own measurements for BF and how you do them? I really want to start tracking that (I work with a trainer till the end of the month who can help me out but beyond that I want to keep doing it on my own and don't have a pinchy tool like she does!).

    @agreenid I have a Tanita scale that I use to measure body fat. A few years ago, I got a DEXA scan to get a more accurate measurement. It was pretty close to the Tanita, so I'm using that on an ongoing basis for tracking. When I get close to goal, I'll get hydrostatic body fat testing.
  • jm70614
    jm70614 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone! My background: I was fairly thin growing up, then I hit college and got to the border of overweight according to the BMI scale, then I went to grad school, bought a house, and got married in the past 3 years and that pushed me over to my heaviest weight of 160. I'm 5'5'' so it was overweight but not by a ton. My bigger concern is that most of the women in my family have Type 2 diabetes. They're overweight, in pain, and have tons of limits on what they can eat and when. I don't want this to be my future but if I kept gaining, that's where I was headed.

    Around June of last year I became more committed to losing weight and keeping it off. I also started running. At first, it was awful. I did couch to 5k (a wonderful program) and struggled! But I kept going, kept pushing, and after months and months of work (along with plenty of setbacks and lessons learned via mistakes) I can now run for 5 miles straight! I'm signed up for some longer races this year and am hoping to continue to see improvements in my running.
  • FatSwatter
    FatSwatter Posts: 175 Member
    jm70614 wrote: »
    Around June of last year I became more committed to losing weight and keeping it off. I also started running. At first, it was awful. I did couch to 5k (a wonderful program) and struggled! But I kept going, kept pushing, and after months and months of work (along with plenty of setbacks and lessons learned via mistakes) I can now run for 5 miles straight! I'm signed up for some longer races this year and am hoping to continue to see improvements in my running.

    Wow! You have so much to be proud of. I've never tried the couch to 5k but should look into it. I cannot fathom running 5 miles straight. That's freaking awesome!! :smile:
  • TheNewBecky28
    TheNewBecky28 Posts: 42 Member
    Is it to late to join? If not:
    I am Becky. I have been heavy my whole life. I never really lasted long on any diet. 1-2 days max as I had NO willpower. Last January (2014) I decided enough was enough and did something about it. I chose a low carb route while still counting calories. I cut out almost all sugar and carbs from processed foods. I ate all fruits and vegetables except corn and potatoes. I lost 70 pounds as of November. But then the holidays came and I allowed myself to make excuses. Oops! I gained 10 pounds back. That is too many when I worked so hard to lose them. Well I am DONE with that nonsense. But I am still having problems saying no to my cravings.
    My goals for the next 8 weeks:
    1. Lose 10 pounds
    2. Increase my exercise. (I was walking 2.5-3 miles daily 3-4 times a week up until November)
    3. Drink more water. At least 64 ounces a day
    4. Say no to unhealthy cravings.
  • FatSwatter
    FatSwatter Posts: 175 Member
    Is it to late to join? If not:
    I am Becky. I have been heavy my whole life. I never really lasted long on any diet. 1-2 days max as I had NO willpower. Last January (2014) I decided enough was enough and did something about it. I chose a low carb route while still counting calories. I cut out almost all sugar and carbs from processed foods. I ate all fruits and vegetables except corn and potatoes. I lost 70 pounds as of November. But then the holidays came and I allowed myself to make excuses. Oops! I gained 10 pounds back. That is too many when I worked so hard to lose them. Well I am DONE with that nonsense. But I am still having problems saying no to my cravings.
    My goals for the next 8 weeks:
    1. Lose 10 pounds
    2. Increase my exercise. (I was walking 2.5-3 miles daily 3-4 times a week up until November)
    3. Drink more water. At least 64 ounces a day
    4. Say no to unhealthy cravings.

    Welcome Becky! I'm Jessie (I think I forgot to put in my intor). You sound a lot like me in so many ways! Congrats on losing 70 pounds even though you gained back 10. I feel you there because I was in ONEderland before the holidays but now am 205.7. I did lose a little bit though and I know you can too! Let's do this. :smile: