has anyone managed to maintain weight during pregnancy?

frannyshai Posts: 15 Member
Has anyone managed to maintain their weight during pregnancy? I've recently read about a few women, one which stuck to slimming world maintaining their weight during pregnancy and then dropping lower than their pre pregnancy weight once they had given birth... just wondered if anyone on here managed to and if so what they did to achieve this?


  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    I don't know if it counts, but I only gained 14 lbs with my daughter (all in the third trimester), and I was back to pre-pregnancy weight as soon as I pushed her out. I didn't do anything special with her pregnancy beyond cutting out what caused me to become overweight in the first place. :)

    I started this pregnancy at a normal weight, but didn't gain anything until after 16 weeks just by tracking on MFP and exercising when I felt like it. (Then the holidays hit, and that went out the window, lol.)
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    Not yet, but I am trying! I gained 35-45 pounds with my other three pregnancies, lost it easily the first two times but not the third so started this one rather overweight (read: obese). My OB wants me to gain max 10-12 pounds, maintaining would be great. So far I am 19 weeks and still haven't regained the 4-5 pounds I lost in first trimester. Usually at this point I would be about 12 pounds up so adding in the 4-5 pounds I have now lost I am 16 pounds better off already. Still a long time to go, but I am doing better than previous pregnancies. I am not following SW just eating healthily (but constantly) and exercising every day.
  • frannyshai
    frannyshai Posts: 15 Member
    I gained about 60lb in my previous two pregnancies then after that with a lot of hard work I managed to get back to pre pregnancy weight but that still being overweight.. I'm so worried for the same to happen this time but in all honestly I didn't watch what I ate with the previous two this time round I'm going to be a lot more careful and calorie count just not sure on what amount of calories to set it to in order to try not gain. I am already about 3-4 stone overweight so could really do with gaining as little as possible. To add to the pressure I get married in two months and praying I can still get in my dress
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    Franny, how many weeks are you?
  • frannyshai
    frannyshai Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 13 weeks just gone Emma determined.
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    So you will be around 20 weeks for the wedding? I am 19 weeks this week and whilst I have not gained any weight I have definitely expanded around the waistline and I am in full maternity wear, cannot button up my coat etc. Every subsequent pregnancy we tend to expand a little faster (everything is pre-stretched) so just be prepared for that. Whether the dress will fit depends on its cut, if it is empire waist or loose you may get away with it but be prepared.... Sorry I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but it helps to be prepared and have a Plan B in place.
  • frannyshai
    frannyshai Posts: 15 Member
    Yes I will be 22 weeks. No I totally agree with what you are saying and know that is going to happen as I can see my waist slowly starting to expand already. I am currently looking at getting another dress now in a bigger size but would be sad not to be able to wear the one I have as I do love it but it is a pretty fitted dress so it's not looking good as there's already no more room for growth in it
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    Maybe a seamstress can adjust it a little? Make a corset back to it so it can expand with you??
  • PerpetualGlitch
    PerpetualGlitch Posts: 13 Member
    30+ weeks and I'm exactly the same weight as I was pre-bump (not deliberately). Under consultant watch, to make sure all is well and stays that way. Baby is growing fine but I'm looking more and more gaunt each day. I got pregnant right before I started maintenance after losing 110lbs and I'm still trying to find my balance. :neutral:
  • frannyshai
    frannyshai Posts: 15 Member
    That's fab seraphicwings I so hope I can do the same... haven't gained any more as of yet but I'm only 14 weeks just gone been sticking around 1800 calories a day. So have you been calorie counting at all? Are you just eating to what myfitnesspal says is your maintenance calorie amount?
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    Seraphicwings - are you a normal weight now? Did your doctor advise you to gain a certain amount?
  • PerpetualGlitch
    PerpetualGlitch Posts: 13 Member
    Frannyshai, it's far from fab. I should have gained by now. Yes, I've been calorie counting, looking to up my intake slowly but there's one "bad" habit of which I can't seem to be able to get out. I don't eat much during the day because of schedules (when I do, I usually go for calorie-dense foods but because of my dysgeusia, many of the usual suspects I don't ever go near), and leave the bulk of my intake for after the toddler goes to sleep and I can unwind. A tactic which often fails since I end up falling asleep on the couch way before my estimated "bedtime". I've reached a point where I just stay on the couch (which is next to the kitchen) so I can sleep-eat something every time I get up to use the toilet during the night.

    LisaTcan, I'm 110-112, which is considered underweight for pregnancy - when the baby is out, I'll have some harsh realities to face (in the mirror). Excluding my belly, the rest of my body is already looking skeletal but I'm not about to give up. The little alien is growing as expected, he's active, healthy and protected in there, and as long as he continues like this and my test readings keep coming back without issues, the doctors are confident things will be just fine. After he's out and we've settled into a successful breastfeeding (hopefully) pattern, only then do they want me to focus on specific numbers. Until then, the advice is to eat as much as I can eat, whenever I can eat it, keep taking my vitamins, make sure I meet my macros, and rest when I can.
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    @SeraphicWings that sounds quite stressful! I'd like to keep from gaining too much but I'm sure not gaining at all has lots of problems of it's own as well. All the best!
  • horsie2001
    horsie2001 Posts: 4 Member
    is anyone loosing/maintaining weight while pregnant? and would like to add me as a friend id be very happy. (also a Fitbit user)
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Unless you're obese and the Dr recommends this and has you under close supervision, I wouldn't try it.
  • kateangel2312
    kateangel2312 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm 13 weeks and already 20lbs up