Sick from gluten and pretty much everything else

I have been on and off with being gluten free for a long time. I met with a gastro and I was diagnosed with IBS and with non-celiac gluten sensitivity. I have had multiple tests for celiac disease and all have come up negative. I am going to get my latest blood test results tomorrow.
Seeing I have already seen my gastro and have had multiple tests, I am pretty frustrated with there not being a solution. My problem is that everything either makes me sick, gives me a headache, makes me dizzy or makes me look like I am 6 months pregnant within 30 minutes of eating. It seems like this gets worse after the dinner meal. I feel like I can barely move because I am so blown up and in so much pain. I can't eat much at one time, so I eat really small meals. Do any of you have these issues and, if so, what do you actually eat? I feel best when my stomach is empty, but that is not really an option. Thank you for listening.


  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    What exactly are you eating in your day to day diet? Is your diary open/public so we can help you figure it out? Do you notice these symptoms in relation to any particular food or group of foods? You can't be on-and-off GF. You are either compliant totally or not and your body will let you know.... Take your phone with you to the grocery store and phone all the 1-800 #'s on the sides of packages if they do not categorically state GF on the labels. Ask if there is ANY gluten or possible contamination due to the manufacturing process or facility crossover. Eat as many fresh foods as possible - meats fish poultry without coatings or built in marinades or sauces, eggs, veggies fresh or frozen or canned (but check the ingred. on any package/can - wheat has been known to be an ingredient), fresh fruit, try to stay away from all the corn based products, as unless they are labelled organic corn is GMO in the US. Be careful of oats as they are easily contaminated with wheat in processing plants.

    When we see the diary we can help with more suggestions. Some people with NCGS are also bothered by nightshade veggies (tomatoes potato peppers eggplant, etc), and dairy products.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Have you done an elimination diet? You say "everything" makes you sick, etc., so my assumption is that you have done an elimination diet, but just in case you haven't, I'd start there. I'd see a naturopath to help and gain more guidance, but if you can't afford one, cut out dairy, gluten, eggs, soy at the very least and anything else you think might be causing problems. Also get some digestive support - probiotics, digestive enzymes, anywhere else you need support, etc. (this is especially where seeing a naturopath might be extra handy...) Then reintroduce each one slowly. And remember, it can take months for these things to leave your system...