Question about flying while pregnant

Thought I would get some info from you gals! I won't see my midwife for another three weeks.

My family wants to go to Hawaii for Christmas. I live in Alaska and I can get there non-stop, the flight is 6 hours exactly (I can get the bulkhead and have lots of room to stretch out). My husband and I really want to go with them, however the day we take off I will be 36 weeks pregnant, coming home at 37 weeks.

Do any of you have experience flying while that close to your due date? Do you think my midwife will give me the "okay"? I know a lot of this probably depends on my/babys health at the time... This is my first and I really have no clue. Will I even want to fly at 36 weeks??

I can get tickets now that are fully refundable, but I really just don't want to get my hopes up for a Hawaiian Christmas away from the cold/dark winter =)

*Edited to say that Alaska Air has no pregnancy restrictions, unlike some airlines.


  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Some airlines will cut you off and not let you fly that late, so you definitely need to check.

    But I know my paperwork with my OB said "Don't go out of state past 35 weeks" so at least my doc would say no - you'd have to ask your midwife for her thoughts. I think I'd be nervous though.
  • Erinthebodo
    Erinthebodo Posts: 215 Member
    Hi there- I flew for work with my last pregnancy and I felt up until the 36 week mark and then got cut off from airlines. I would just caution you that I felt extra pressure and I got swollen from the flight :)
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    I have an acquaintance who traveled from the US to Europe until just a few weeks before the due date. She had an healthy, active and amazing pregnancy but all her trips seemed to be "week by week" approval.

    On the flip side my best friend was advised not to fly from IL to FL past 29 weeks. She had three super easy pregnancies without any complications. Go figure.
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    I personally would not want to fly and wouldn't want to be that far from home that close to my due date. I think each airline probably has their own rules though about how far along you can be and still fly. I'm sure they definitely don't want to be delivering any babies onboard and that would be a terrifying experience!!! Good luck with your decision.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hey, congratulations!!!

    To answer your question, I agree with what's been said about airline policies, but my OB's "cheat sheet" said not to be more than an hour away at or after 36 weeks. While you'd be in Hawaii, someplace safe to deliver, I would still be afraid of going into labor away from home. Plus you might be stuck there until you could safely bring your infant home. It's just too much to think about, IMO.

    As awesome as going to Hawaii would be, I can't imagine doing that when I am super miserable, physically speaking. I would be pissy about feeling like a house and having to wear a bathing suit. That's just me, though - when I felt that way, I didn't want to be anywhere but home.

    See if they can do it the following year, then you can drink, too, and enjoy yourself. My husband and I went on a cruise when I was about 19 weeks pregnant with our first, and although I'm not a big drinker, I was bummed about not even getting to have wine with dinner. Plus with my clothes getting tight but my not being ready for maternity clothes made me a sad panda.
  • Jessibear86
    Jessibear86 Posts: 111 Member
    i've been told no flying after 28 weeks. i would advice against it. better safe than sorry, but if the airlines say OK and your dr doesn't have a problem it's your call!
  • scienceteacherAK
    scienceteacherAK Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks for the reality check ladies! I think my Hawaiian fantasy is over, but I will have an even better present coming my way soon enough =)