what rules and/or defines you? 6/29

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Today's challenge...I want to challenge our thinking. How you think affects how you act!
So, question: does this healthy life pursuit...rule you or you rule it? Dies it consume you?
How do you balance it now? How do you want it to look in your life in the next year?
These are very important because this will shape your life, people in it, view of self and others. How success is
now and your definition of it and future.



  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I bounce back and forth between it ruling me and me ruling it. I desire to look as good or better than I do now when I die. I need to stay fit. I feel incredible and would like to keep it that way. I want to play hard with my grand kids.
  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    I would say that most of the time I rule it. I don't obsess over meal-planning or burning off a certain number of calories per day, so I don't think it consumes me. My workouts are scheduled into my calendar everyday but they aren't set in stone. I spend about the right amount of time exercising every week, though I do need to work on my diet a bit, especially when I'm stressed. I actually think I *need* the healthy goals to rule me when I go through long periods of stress, otherwise my emotions take over and I lose a lot of progress. A year from now I'd like to still maintain my exercise habits, and to improve my cooking skills and diet.
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    When I first started here on MFP it ruled me. Everything I did was with the thought...will this put me over my calories or will this count as a calorie burn. Now I just go with the flow. I still try to be thoughful about what I eat but it isn't my every thought. I hit a plateau a few months ago and have since lost all motivation. I know that as soon as the plateau breaks I will get back in the game but it is hard when the scale never moves. But hey, at least it isn't going up.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Iwill not lie my friends I used to let the healthy lifestyle rule me! I obsessed over it. Always thinking about if I should eat this and OMG I must exercise for 2 hours today...it was crazy! I made myself miserable and crazy! LOL! I want others to have more balance and enjoyment of a healthy lifestyle and not be crazy like I was...obessession never helped anyone suceed! JUST rise and fall! I just want for us to have healthy balance in our lives and that healthy lifestyle is apart of it but does not rule us! We do have to live ya'll! Live with changes in family, relationships, volunteering, jobs major events life and death so health is just a daily part of life but should not consume us that we don't take care of the list above!

  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    I use to obsess over it too! But now I have a good handle of not really what I'm "allowed" to eat, but what I prefer to eat. (I'd rather have crackers then ice cream as a snack)

    I was able to go to a buffet for breakfast/lunch today, stay close to my calorie goal and ENJOY it!
    Also a big surprise - My mom said she was proud of me for "staying true to myself and losing like I have". That made me feel good.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    For the longest time food ruled me, I had an obsessive compulsive relationship with it, part of the reason I gained weight. Then I got obsessive compulsive with dieting, thus all the bad diets I did and failed at. I had no control over it until I lost my patience with whatever diet plan I was on then I just gave up.
    Now I'm learning that food doesn't define me, exercise doesn't control me, but I have to work with them to get where I'm going. Yes I'm addicted to my exercising, but I've accepted that it doesn't have to be done just one way, if I miss a day, there are things I can do to make it up, if I don't make it up, that's okay too, otherwise I go back into failure mode and give exercise control over me. It's the same with food, I have to accept my right and wrong with food otherwise I go back to letting it control me.