

  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Need the encouragement to ride which these challenges always give me.
  • steffenson
    steffenson Posts: 312 Member
    TheBigYin wrote: »
    steffenson wrote: »
    Sign me up too.
    I also might be doing little 10km rides until the end of March but this looks like fun.

    just let me know if you're on a 10K and I can try and do 11... I'm going to need every point I can get!

    I think I will being doing 9km for all of them.... *wink* *wink*
  • Dave2041
    Dave2041 Posts: 257 Member
    Jakess1971 wrote: »
    Dave2041 wrote: »
    Naturally i'm in :)

    Can I add a caveat that everyone gets the WC bonus points apart from Dave because he's ahead of me?


    Hah! Barely! and you've had loads of time off!
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    I'm in Mr Yin...Sign Me Up...
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,682 Member
    verdemujer wrote: »
    Need the encouragement to ride which these challenges always give me.
    TDSeest wrote: »
    I'm in Mr Yin...Sign Me Up...

    Excellent... The more the merrier...

    I'd like to make it a good Classics Campaign this year, in honour of Spartacus's Final Season. Damn, I'm going to miss him in 2017, it's really not going to be the same - real end of an era stuff for me :(

  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    No, I'm Sparticus...

    Too soon?

  • jillyian
    jillyian Posts: 423 Member
    so I just looked at my garmin connect dashboard, and compared the calories burned there to what it says when it uploads to my strava, and sad to say, I am getting way gypped! my ride today on garmin connects is 1500 calories compared to 1,100 on strava. Now thats not too terribly different, (although it is a whole point) but going back to my saturday ride, strava gave me 1,900 calories, but when I look at garmin connect, its over 3,000 -
    Does anyone know why it is says something completely different when it uploads from Garmin connect to Strava? oh well It doesnt matter anyways -Im still doing good!
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    jillyian wrote: »
    so I just looked at my garmin connect dashboard, and compared the calories burned there to what it says when it uploads to my strava, and sad to say, I am getting way gypped! my ride today on garmin connects is 1500 calories compared to 1,100 on strava. Now thats not too terribly different, (although it is a whole point) but going back to my saturday ride, strava gave me 1,900 calories, but when I look at garmin connect, its over 3,000 -
    Does anyone know why it is says something completely different when it uploads from Garmin connect to Strava? oh well It doesnt matter anyways -Im still doing good!

    I dealt with that a month or so ago. My Strava way lower than Garmin. Make sure both Strava & Garmin Connect profiles are up to date on everything, age, height, weight, fitness level, FTP, etc. Once I did this, my comparisons were still off but much closer. Instead of long rides being thousands off, it's only hundreds. Close enough for me to not bother with posting both Strava and Garmin data on the log. And yes you are the climbing Queen!!!
  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    jillyian wrote: »
    so I just looked at my garmin connect dashboard, and compared the calories burned there to what it says when it uploads to my strava, and sad to say, I am getting way gypped! my ride today on garmin connects is 1500 calories compared to 1,100 on strava. Now thats not too terribly different, (although it is a whole point) but going back to my saturday ride, strava gave me 1,900 calories, but when I look at garmin connect, its over 3,000 -
    Does anyone know why it is says something completely different when it uploads from Garmin connect to Strava? oh well It doesnt matter anyways -Im still doing good!

    What you have to ask yourself is what do you use in your diary, my Garmin bigs me up more then Strava too but I prefer to go for the lower calorie burn as I feel that is more realistic and it's what I tend to use, I notice a lot of people well over estimate calorie burns, it takes me a hundred miles to burn what some stick down for a hundred kms, saying that we are all built very different so it may well be valid for them, just means I have to stick in extra effort for those points! :)
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,682 Member
    oh... why are Garmin and Strava different on Calories...

    Short answer... Garmin calculates calories based on Heart Rate, slightly modified by your Height,Weight, and Gender. But, unless it's been "Calibrated" to your particular metabolism ("New Leaf" do a testing/calibration service that gets the 800/810 series pretty damned accurate, but it's fiendishly expensive - think more than the cost of the Garmin over a year, and you DO need to keep re-testing and checking if you lose/gain weight or fitness...) it's simply using a "best guess" of how many calories you're burning. Strava uses its own "guess" based on Power rather than Heart Rate. So, if you've got a "real" powermeter (or a reasonably accurate smart trainer that reports power) then it'll do a conversion based on the power you put down for a entire ride. I believe that if you have an un-calibrated Garmin AND a powermeter, then the Garmin may well report calories based on a 1:1 conversion between kilojoules from the powermeter - but I can't be 100% sure on that, as I've actually got a "newleaf" profile in my Garmin 800 and that over-rides any other calculation method. If I don't have a HR paired at all, then the Garmin resorts to complete guesswork, and is next to useless in accuracy - reporting something like 800 kCals per hour of 3mph walking - I wouldn't burn that much riding the bike for a hour at 14mph!

    Wow, that wasn't exactly all that short was it...

    But - if you want the LONG ANSWER, go have a look at this post I made a while back...


    Lots of data, tables, mathematics, links to external sources, the whole 9 yards...

    you'll see why I didn't want to type it again, that's for sure.

  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    edited February 2016
    For me, it's the opposite. Last night, for instance, I did a 72 minute ride including 25+ minutes at threshold power. Garmin reported the calorie burn as 544 while Strava had it at 635. The caveat though is that those numbers are coming from a power meter, not a HR strap.

    As @TheBigYin said, Strava's calorie numbers are coming from power in some way, shape, form, or fashion. If your ride didn't include some kind of device that measured power, Strava estimates it. In my experience their estimations aren't too bad... as long as your weight is correct, you're on a road bike on good roads, and there isn't any wind. Gravel? Grass? Single track? Forget it. Strava's calorie numbers are complete and utter garbage because they can't and don't account for "environmental factors" like increased rolling resistance or wind. Garmin on the other hand has the graduated selection based on what's available, with power being given precedence, followed by HR, followed by complete WAG if neither of the other two are present.

    Last but not least, Garmin's calorie calculations based on HR are very generous, to the say the least. As an example for me personally: my 2013 (pre-power meter) and 2014 (with power meter) editions of the FatCyclist.com 100 Miles of Nowhere. Exact same course (a 1.2 mile loop in a neighborhood), same bike (with the exception of the power meter in 2014).

    2013: Finish time 7:02, average speed 14.3, calories burned 3,304 (Cals from HR)
    2014: Finish time 7:09, average speed 14.0, calories burned 2,326 (Cals from Power)

    It gets even worse with Strava's numbers, with 2013 showing 3,447 calories and 2014 showing 1,908.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,682 Member
    back to the Challenge... I've now added the "ride entries" thread, albeit currently "closed for submissions" - if you want to have a little read as to how I've decided to organise things, and maybe get a feel for the first challenge before next weekend, have a look at this thread.
  • jillyian
    jillyian Posts: 423 Member
    Thanks for the answers!
    I would definitely rather have calorie underestimated then over if I'm using them for how much calories I'm able to eat.
    Only reason I wanted the more of course is because it would have given me more points :-)
    Tby I read your short and long answers, very informative - thank you.
    I do use a hr monitor. I figured that made Garmin more accurate - anyways
    Thanks- it's definitely interesting how different power meter, vs hr monitor vs nothing do their calculations.

    Back to the Challenge... Looking forward to it!!!!!!
  • ruthbardell
    ruthbardell Posts: 76 Member
    Sounds fun - can I join in please?
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,682 Member
    Sounds fun - can I join in please?

    sure... all you need to do is to ride on the appropriate days, record the ride on strava, and post a link to the ride, along with the distance ridden (in Km's, NOT miles - this is a euro-centric challenge throughout, so Km's for the distance, Metres for the ascents, and litre's for the "dubbels" or "trippels" drunk ;) )

    To get an idea of how to "report" your ride, have a look at last year's "logging" thread...


    or 2014's...


    or maybe 2013's...


    Some of the "semi-classics" will not have the same number of "photo challenges" or "treats" added, so will be far simpler to report - though, to be honest, it'd be nice if people DID still add in a short "ride report" just for fun... if nothing else it means I keep entertained while entering up the logging spreadsheet (which reminds me, I really need to get on with building the logging spreadsheet!!)

  • Kupe
    Kupe Posts: 758 Member
    As always I am in.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,682 Member
    Kupe wrote: »
    As always I am in.

    great... wouldn't be the same without having to remember to open up early for you, seeing as you're on the other side of the world ;)
  • BigG59
    BigG59 Posts: 396 Member
    If its not too late, can you sign me up up please Mark
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,682 Member
    BigG59 wrote: »
    If its not too late, can you sign me up up please Mark

    Never too late Graham - it's a far more "open" challenge this one - turn up when you can, ride when you can, miss the ones you can't... it's all good - and it's all getting out there and riding.

  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    Hate to miss out on the first event but I just can't do it. I live in the South and consequently just don't have the gear to ride outdoors in the current (and unusual) 25F temps. Excuses, I know. :-)